Group Member: 1. Nguyen Tuan Minh Nguyen Huy Hoang Tran Van Huynh Le Dinh Son Supervisor: Phan Truong Lam
The initial idea Introduction of system Limitation of system Existing system
Roles and Responsibilities Nguyen Tuan Minh Role : Project Manager Nguyen Huy Hoang Role: CM and Tester Le Dinh Son Role: Developer Tran Van Huynh Role: Tester
Tool and Techniques Tool for coding: Visual Studio 2008 Database System SQL Server 2008 Program Language C# Others: Microsoft Office 2007 Microsoft Project 2007 Management Tools:
Success criteria o Complete at lease 90% work. o Defects not exceed 10% per function point. o Fast installation. (<15mins)
Admin: Manage user and role Manager: Manage staff and parking report Staff: Manage tickets and vehicles. System: Recognize number plate Function requirement
GUI is friendly. Security in using. System run in many conditions. Fast process. Correct. Allow run with large data. Non function requirement
System Architecture Figure 1: System Architecture
Deployment structure design Figure 2: System deployment diagram
Component diagram Figure 3: Component diagram
Algorithm explanation : Image processing for the number plate. Camera capture image. Scanning to find the number plate and cut the number plate image. Cut the numbers and letters. Identification numbers and letters. Figure 4: Recognition algorithm
Camera capture image : Air sensor. Environment. Set the camera angle. Figure 4: Recognition algorithm
Scanning to find the number plate and cut the number plate image Figure 4: Recognition algorithm Method 1: "Regional Development“ Method 2: "Hough Transformation“ Method 3: "Border & Heuristic Detection“ In our system, we chose option 2 for doing the following:
Scanning to find the number plate and cut the number plate image Figure 4: Cut the number plate image
Cut the numbers and letters Figure 4: Cut the numbers and letters
Identification numbers and letters Figure 4: Identification numbers and letters
Login System Recognition Ticket Report Management: Test plan
Test case Figure 5: Test result
EquipmentMinimumRecommended Operating systemWindows XP SP2Windows Professional, Vista, Win 7 PC Intel Celeron Processor 2.00 GHz or higher, a mouse, and an SVGA graphics display (1024x768 resolution) Intel Pentium IV 2.00 GHz or higher, a mouse, and an SVGA graphics display (1024x768 resolution) RAM 512 MB1GB - 4GB Hard disk space Required2GB> 4 GB Set up system Figure 6: Hardware requirement
User guide User login to the system Admin can role user Manager: manage staff and report Staff: manage vehicle and ticket
System over view Limited of system Difficult
Thank you for your listening!