World History/ Geo Tuesday May 10 th, 2016 Warm Up: What are the M.A.I.N causes of WWI?
WWI Timeline July : Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia August 2nd 1914: Germany declares war on Russia Germany invades Poland and Luxemburg, invasion of France starts August : Germany declares war on France August : Germany declares war on Belgium and invades it August :England declares war on Germany August : Austria declares war on Russia and Great Britain
WWI Timeline April US Enters the War March Russia and Germany sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Ends Eastern Front War, Germans now use all resources on Western Front March of 1918 Germany begins a massive attack on France June nd Battle of the Marne last major German offensive on the Western Front November Kaiser Wilhelm II (German ruler) steps downs November 11, Armistice between Germany and allies. War is over June Treaty of Versailles
Cloth Hall, Ypres
Verdun: Cloister of the Hotel de la Princerie
Village of Esnes
Palace of Justice, Senlis
Killed more than 9 million combatants and 5 million civilians
The Big Four 1. Woodrow Wilson USA 2. David Lloyd-George Great Britain 3. Georges Clemenceau France4. Vittorio Orlando Italy
The Treaty of Versailles Peace treaty at the end of World War I It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers Signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Featured some 440 Articles, putting the blame on Germany
Analyzing the Treaty of Versailles The Chart- Part I In your color group, read through your portion on the Treaty of Versailles and discuss the importance of each article. Pay special attention to the starred articles. **** As you read the articles, ask yourself ‘how is this effecting Germany’ Make notes on the colored paper of key factors and statements Discuss the top three articles you find to be the biggest uses and abuses of power On your paper, summarize the articles and tell why they are both a use of power and an abuse of power. Be ready to tell your number group about your section of the Treaty (15 minutes)
Analyzing the Treaty of Versailles The Chart- Part II In your number groups, you will have someone from each section of the Treaty of Versailles that we are looking at. Take turns discussing the importance of your articles. Each group member should give detailed descriptions of that the article how it is a use and abuse of power Discuss whether your group agrees in the uses/abuses of power before moving on to the next person As the articles are discussed, complete your own chart. Do not answer the questions until you are told to do so (10 minutes)
"The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her Allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associate Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of a war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her Allies." Article 231 The War Guilt Clause GERMANY ACCEPTED RESPONSIBILITY FOR STARTING THE WAR
GERMANY WAS COMPLETELY DISARMED Article 159 The German military forces shall be demobilised and reduced as prescribed hereinafter. Article 169 Within two months from the coming into force of the present Treaty German arms, munitions and war material, including anti-aircraft material, existing in Germany in excess of the quantities allowed, must be surrendered to the Governments of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers to be destroyed or rendered useless. Article 168 The manufacture of arms, munitions, or any war material, shall only be carried out in factories or works the location of which shall be communicated to and approved by the Governments of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, and the number of which they retain the right to restrict. Article 170 Importation into Germany of arms, munitions and war material of every kind shall be strictly prohibited. Article 173 Universal compulsory military service shall be abolished in Germany.
GERMANY IS FORCED TO PAY REPARATIONS TO THE ALLIES ARTICLE: 232 The Allied and Associated Governments recognise that the resources of Germany are not adequate, after taking into account permanent diminutions of such resources which will result from other provisions of the present Treaty, to make complete reparation for all such loss and damage. ARTICLE 235. In order to enable the Allied and Associated Powers to proceed at once to the restoration of their industrial and economic life, pending the full determination of their claims, Germany shall pay in such installments and in such manner (whether in gold, commodities, ships, securities or otherwise) as the Reparation Commission may fix, during 1919, 1920 and the first four months Of 1921, the equivalent of 20,000,000,000 gold marks. Out of this sum the expenses of the armies of occupation subsequent to the Armistice of November 11, 1918, shall first be met, and such supplies of food and raw materials as may be judged by the Governments of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers to be essential to enable Germany to meet her obligations for reparation may also, with the approval of the said Governments, be paid for out of the above sum. The balance shall be reckoned towards liquidation of the amounts due for reparation. Germany shall further deposit bonds as prescribed in paragraph 12 (c) Of Annex II hereto Article 240 Germany further agrees to provide for the salaries and expenses of the Commission and of such staff as it may employ.
GERMANY HAS TO GIVE UP ITS LAND & COLONIES ARTICLE 34 Germany renounces in favour of Belgium all rights and title over the territory comprising the whole of the Kreise of Eupen and of Malmedy. ARTICLE 36. When the transfer of the sovereignty over the territories referred to above has become definite, German nationals habitually resident in the territories will definitively acquire Belgian nationality ipso facto, and will lose their German nationality. ARTICLE 42. Germany is forbidden to maintain or construct any fortifications either on the left bank of the Rhine or on the right bank to the west of a line drawn 50 kilometres to the East of the Rhine. ARTICLE 118. In territory outside her European frontiers as fixed by the present Treaty, Germany renounces all rights, titles and privileges whatever in or over territory which belonged to her or to her allies, and all rights, titles and privileges whatever their origin which she held as against the Allied and Associated Powers.
* Germany was an angry, humiliated nation, setting the stage for World War II. Versailles Treaty - Germany was forced to: · take full blame for the war · completely disarm · pay huge reparations to the Allies · give up it’s colonies to the Allies
Analyzing the Treaty of Versailles The Questions Now that you have a better understanding of the Treaty of Versailles, use the rest of your class time to answer the questions on the back of your sheet Feel free to write on your own sheet of paper in order to answer the questions thoroughly If you do not get this paper finished, it is homework and is due Wednesday May 11 th at the beginning of class