Arthur Miller
1915 Arthur Aster Miller was born on October 17th in New York City Attends Public School #24 in Harlem Sees first play--a melodrama at the Schubert Theater Father's business fails and family moves to Brooklyn. Arthur Miller- The Early Years
Early Years continued 1932 Graduates from Abraham Lincoln High School. Registers for night school at City College, but quits after two weeks University of Michigan, studies journalism. Reporter and night editor on student paper, The Michigan Daily Marries Mary Grace Slattery Daughter, Jane, is born. Son, Robert, is born.
Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe 1950 Meets Marilyn Monroe for the first time Moves to Nevada for six weeks in order to divorce Mary Slattery (after 10 years of marriage). Marries Marilyn Monroe. While Miller is married to Monroe, he writes nothing for the theater.
John Huston, the film’s director, wrote in his memoir: “One evening I was about to drive away from the location- miles out in the desert- when I saw Arthur standing alone. Marilyn and her friends hadn’t offered him a ride back; they’d just left him. If I hadn’t happened to see him, he would have been stranded out there. My sympathies were more and more with him.”
-The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was set up in 1938 to investigate communists within federal government. -In 1947 it turned its attention to the arts. A group of writers, directors and actors known as the Hollywood Ten were convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions about their political beliefs. -They were blacklisted by Hollywood and over the course of the next 10 years some 320 people were barred from work in the film studios over their alleged membership of the Communist party. HUAC and Senator McCarthy
Miller and HUAC Miller was distressed by the sight of former friends giving evidence against other former friends as a result of McCarthyism. He writes a play about this situation, called The Crucible. It is an allegory for McCarthyism The Crucible premiers and receives many awards. Miller is asked to attend the Belgian premier of The Crucible, but cannot because he is denied a passport by the US Miller is convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to name names to the House Un-American Activities Committee United States Court of Appeals overturns his contempt conviction.
1961 Divorces Marilyn Monroe Marries Inge Morath. Marilyn Monroe dies Daughter, Rebecca, is born Miller becomes a delegate at a meeting of Soviet and American writers in Lithuania, where he tries to persuade the Soviets to stop persecuting writers. Miller’s Later Years
Miller’s Later Years cont There are major 85th birthday celebrations for Miller held at University of Michigan and at the Arthur Miller Center at UEA, England. Echoes Down the Corridor is published (collected essays from ) New York City revivals of The Man Who Had All the Luck and The Crucible.
Television Movie Starring Daniel Day-Lewis as John Proctor and Winona Ryder as Abigail Williams
“If I could only park my car there. But I can't.” -Arthur Miller A street in New York City's theater district is named "Arthur Miller Way.” (W. 49 th Street between Broadway and Eighth Ave)
Death of a Playwright Arthur Miller died in May 2005 of heart failure at his home is Roxbury, Connecticut. He was 89 years old.