Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 1 The Beta-Beam Task Status and Planning 02/2005 to 01/2006 Michael Benedikt AB-Department, CERN.


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Presentation transcript:

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 1 The Beta-Beam Task Status and Planning 02/2005 to 01/2006 Michael Benedikt AB-Department, CERN

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 2 Outline Task organisation –Overview on beta-beam task –Sub-tasks Work planning and goals by sub-tasks –Participants –Milestones –Deliverables and supporting documentation Prospective hiring and budget Meetings and task status

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 3 Overview on Beta-Beam Task Neutrino Source Decay Ring Ion production Direct/converter target & ion source Proton Driver Linac Decay ring Br = 1500 Tm B = 5 T C = 7000 m L ss = 2500 m 6 He:  = Ne:  = 250 SPS Acceleration to medium energy Bunching ring and RCS PS Acceleration to final energy PS & SPS Experiment Ion acceleration Post-accelerator Beam preparation 60 GHz ECR pulsed From exit of EURISOL post-accelerator (~100 MeV/u) to Decay Ring (~100 GeV/u).

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 4 Sub-Tasks Beta-beam task starts at exit of EURISOL post-accelerator. Comprises design of complete accelerator chain up to decay ring. Work is organized in four Sub-Tasks (ST): –ST 1: Parameter definition and evolution of the base line design. –ST 2: Design of low-energy ring(s). –ST 3:Ion acceleration in PS and SPS and new machine designs. –ST 4:Decay ring design

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 5 ST 1 – Planning 02/05-01/06 ST 1: Parameter definition and evolution of the base line design. –Participants (1.2 MY total): Coordinating Institute: CERN (0.6 MY) IN2P3 (0.1), Stockholm Univ.(0.1), CEA-Saclay (0.2), GSI (0.1), CCLRC RAL (0.1). –Work objectives: Definition of main parameters and confirmation of base line design. Coordination of accelerator sub tasks (ST 2, 3, 4). Coordination with linked EURISOL tasks and outside contributors (TRIUMF). –Milestones: 04/05: preliminary parameter list 10/05: definitive parameter list. –Deliverables: Report with parameter list for the beta-beam accelerator complex.

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 6 ST 2 – Planning 02/05-01/06 ST 2: Design of low energy rings(s). –Participants (1 MY total): Coordinating Institute: IN2P3 (0.15 MY) CERN (0.4), Stockholm Univ.(0.15), CEA-Saclay (0.3), TRIUMF –Work objectives: Evaluation and choice of low-energy machines (RCS, FFAG, Cyclotron). Optics design for low-energy rings –Milestones: 10/05: choice of low-energy machine(s). –Supporting documentation: Note on comparison of low-energy machine(s). Note on preliminary optics design.

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 7 ST 3 – Planning 02/05-01/06 ST 3: Ion acceleration in PS and SPS and new machine designs. –Participants (2.85 MY total): Coordinating Institutes: CERN (PS&SPS) (0.8 MY), GSI (new designs) (1.9 MY) CCLRC RAL (0.15), TRIUMF –Work objectives: Simulations of ion acceleration scenarios in PS & SPS (longitudinal & transverse). Parameter definition for new machine to replace PS. Optics design for new PS. –Milestones: 10/05: decision on acceleration scheme for PS & SPS (harmonic number, etc.) 10/05: definition of parameters for new PS –Supporting documentation: Note on ion acceleration in PS and SPS and transverse/longitudinal limitations. Note on parameter choice and preliminary optics design for new PS

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 8 ST 4 – Planning 02/05-01/06 ST 4: Decay ring design. –Participants (1.8 MY total): Coordinating Institute: CEA-Saclay (1.5 MY) CERN (0.3), TRIUMF –Work objectives: Optics design of the decay ring. Simulations for ion injection and stacking in the decay ring. –Milestones: 10/05: freeze linear optics parameters for decay ring 10/05: decision on feasibility of asymmetric bunch merging as stacking method –Deliverables: Report on preliminary optics design for the decay ring.

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 9 Prospective Hiring 02/05-01/06 IN2P3-IPNO: Initial planning:Changes:Status: 1 MY PS available-0.25 MY/year from 02/ MY TS requested-1 person for 1 year. Foreseen for 11/2005. CERN: Initial planning:Changes:Status: 8 MY PS available-1.5 MY 2005, 2.5 MY , 1.5 MY MY FE available0 MY FE av. (int.) - 3 MY TS requested 4 MY TS rq. (int.) 1 person for 4 years. Foreseen for 05/ MY FE requested3 MY FE rq. (int.) 1 person for 3 years. Foreseen for 02/2006. CCLRC RAL: Initial planning:Changes:Status: 1 MY PS available-0.25 MY/year from 02/2005.

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 10 Prospective Hiring 02/05-01/06 Stockholm University: Initial planning:Changes:Status: 1 MY PS available-0.25 MY/year from 02/ MY TS requested-Earliest hiring date CEA-Saclay: Initial planning:Changes:Status: 4 MY PS available-1 MY/year from 02/ MY PhD available- 1 MY/year from 02/ MY PD requested 2 MY PD rq. (int.) 1 person for 2 years. Foreseen for mid GSI Initial planning:Changes:Status: 4 MY PD available-1 MY/year from 02/ MY PD requested-1 person for 4 years. Foreseen for 02/2005.

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 11 Provisional Budget 02/05-01/06 Personnel budget based on perspective hiring (EU funded): IN2P3-IPNO: 0.25 MY TS 14 k€ CERN: 0.75 MY TS 80 k€ GSI: 1.00 MY PD 54 k€ Total personnel: 2.00 MY 148 k€ Travel budget estimate (EU funded) Total travel: 22 k€ Overall budget estimate (EU funded)170 k€

Orsay, 03/Feb/05EURISOL - Beta Beam TaskM. Benedikt 12 Task meetings and status Foreseen Meetings –1 st Beta-beam task meeting: 11. April 2005, CERN –2 nd Beta-beam task meeting:17. October 2005, Saclay –Several smaller “working meetings” as needed Status of the beta-beam task –2 task meetings during last year (CERN, RAL) –Work on all sub-tasks started, esp. decay ring design is advancing well –Next steps: Confirmation of beam parameters at high energy with neutrino physicists. Definition of low-energy side with other EURISOL tasks (beam preparation, post accelerator)