USDOT TIGER Grant Program Tower Road Complete Street Reconstruction
TIGER PROGRAM Administered through USDOT Since 2009 $4.1 Billion in six rounds since inception Wide variety of transportation projects $500 Million appropriated in 2015 Previous applications for SW 62 nd Blvd by the City of Gainesville
Archer Road Newberry Road SW 8 th Ave SW 53 rd Place Tower Road SW 34 th Street SW 45 th Blvd SW 24 th Ave Tower Road Project
6 Mill and Resurface Existing Pavement Add: 5’-Wide Paved Shoulder/Bicycle Lane Sidewalk/Multiuse Path Completion Intersection Improvements Selective Intersection Modifications Landscaping/Treescaping Provide for bus pullouts where appropriate The Really Simple Plan+ Tree Planting Zone Tower Road Approved Scope
TIGER APPLICATION Preapplication submitted Final application will be approved by County Manager by June 5 th $10 million grant request $2.5 million local match from Transportation Impact Fees and MMTM Grant Agreement will return to the Board for approval if awarded