Project Managers Report PSAG Meeting Roy Preece 30 th June 2014
Current position Work required to ensure the forecast Non-staff spend are on the correct Resource project – STAK00061 or STAK00051 Across the projects a total spend this year of £2.15M – Allocation £2.086M Travel needs to be rolled into the forecast – around £80k for remainder of the year. (Rome CM, following 3 at RAL)
Current position Automatic update when new spend added Focus on the package spend, even when green (underspent) The reporting on the dashboard will be extended to include graphical views.
Current position Financial tracking spreadsheet needs a few more sheets updated for automated operation –Update sheets for Charlotte Move the forecast spend to the correct Resource or Capital project Include forecast for travel –Capital project, Collaboration meetings and University staff (Invoiced quarterly) Secure site on the web – like the scheduling dashboard –MICE-MINE password protected site?
Step V Planning Dates used for the analysis. (MICE-US provided) –Delivery of the South side of the Partial Return Yoke – June / July 2016 –Delivery of the RFCC – September 2016 –Delivery of the North side of the Partial Return Yoke – October 2016 To Install on this schedule –A funding bump will be require for the UK 15/16 and 16/17 EB decision that no further funding available in 15/16 –STEP IV Data taking period squeezed, but possible. –STEP IV Data taking ceases spring 2016 to prepare the hall for STEP V installation Values include cost of Risk
Step V Planning Risk –Will Fermilab management provide the effort required to complete the RFCC ? –Is the leadership of the MICE-US team firm? –Operational aspects of the RFCC transferred to the UK Cool-down Operation
Common Fund Re-costing Original calculation 2008 by Paul Drumm and Tony Medland
Common Fund Re-costing More work still required