17 September 2004David Foster CERN IT-CS 1 Network Planning September 2004 David Foster Networks and Communications Systems Group Leader
17 September 2004David Foster CERN IT-CS 2 Network and Communications Group CS Group was reorganised in September 2004 –Old structure Campus Networking, External Networking, Telecomms, Network Operations –New structure Network Services, Infrastructure and Operations, Telecomms Objectives –Greater sharing of similar skills –Remove distinction of Internal vs External –Move towards a full production network end-end –Homogenize infrastructure –Introduce a formal monitoring activity
17 September 2004David Foster CERN IT-CS 3 LCG Farm Call for tender for farm backbone switch and routers to be released soon –Sized for a farm of about 8000 machines but can grow larger. Anticipate installing first equipment mid-2005 Studying options for connecting the LCG Farm to the external network infrastructure. –Also being discussed in the framework of the OpenLab security project
17 September 2004David Foster CERN IT-CS 4 Tier0 to Tier1 Bandwidth –Planning document distributed, no updates received in the last few months. –Matches Chris’s Spreadsheet after the tier-1 round –Basically 10Gb/sec to Tier-1’s planned. But –Exact Tier-1 list still in question –+/- Nikhef, Tokyo, Canada, Nordic “Tier-1”, Taipei Network to be provided by a combination of –Geant (and NRENS) List of T1’s already passed to GEANT but any changes MUST be communicated as network planning already advanced. Later emerging T1’s we will have to study the connectivity options later. –Private links
17 September 2004David Foster CERN IT-CS 5 MB/SecRALFermilabBrookhavenKarlsruheIN2P3CNAFPIC (Barcelona)T0 Total ATLAS CMS ALICE LHCb T1 Totals MB/sec T1 Totals Gb/sec Estimated T1 Bandwidth Needed (Totals * 1.5(headroom))*2(capacity) Assumed Bandwidth Provisioned
17 September 2004David Foster CERN IT-CS 6 GEANT Planning –Geant-2 project started in September 2004 –In Call for Tender phase –Expect to start deployment in Q –Expect full infrastructure end 2005 –Motivated to work on the LHC requirements Status –Very little “inside” information –No visible plans, very opaque –No financial model yet Coordination –CERN invited to the NREN planning meetings –CERN invited to the GEANT-T1-NREN meetings –CERN invited to the EGEE, SA2, TNLC Little concrete to report
17 September 2004David Foster CERN IT-CS 7 Other Connections Future of the USLiC is to be discussed this year. Results of the recent NSF program solicitation should be known in October. –May result in an additional connection to GEANT from the US. Connectivity to NetherLight (SurfNet) needs to have a future. GLIF initiative yet to really produce a coherent picture. No real demand from the experiments but trying to generate an artificial use through service challenges. –No full LHC computing model being exercised
17 September 2004David Foster CERN IT-CS 8 Tier1+Tier2 No clear view of the load of Tier1 Tier1 Tier2 traffic Computing models may give a better view on this at the end of 2004? LCG Farm sized for current understanding of this at CERN. No major surprises expected. External connectivity is over provisioned currently
17 September 2004David Foster CERN IT-CS 9 Conclusions LCG Farm progress is good vis a vis the overall process CERN backbone upgrade foreseen in the 2006/2007 timeframe. –10x upgrade of central capacity Star point upgrades foreseen perhaps to start in 2005 (to be decided). Tracking of GEANT needs to be done carefully but little progress. Much work needs to be done to understand how the external connectivity will be achieved. –GEANT + Connections to places not covered by GEANT. –Longevity of funding of private links is always an issue