European technology platforms and industrial change ETP ZEP Robert van der Lande, Secretary General Hearing, 4 May 2012
Summary ETP ZEP brings together the stakeholders around Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) With the objective to enable commercial availability of CCS by 2020 Science and SME’s are included to the extent that is needed to achieve the objective ZEP believes that it plays a pivotal role for CCS in Europe And that its contribution has been decisive for the results achieved to date 2
CCS and ZEP CCS is bridging technology, part of portfolio to reduce CO2 emissions. Window of opportunity. Value chain for CCS has 3 distinct elements, each with its own industry, technology and challenges Challenges of capture are the investment costs, efficiency losses, and flexibility of operation Transport is largely understood, faces infra problems Challenges of storage relate to long term behavior, risk and trust ZEP (set up in 2005) Focus on CO2 emissions of fossil fired power plants Involves utilities, equipment suppliers and oil&gas industry plus research community + NGO’s 3
Scope, role, principles Scope: everything related to achieving objective: enabling commercial availability of CCS by 2020 Role: CCS advisor and facilitator Technology contributor Respected communicator Principles: Open and transparent Neutrality towards constituent groups Action oriented 4
CCS path ahead Demo projects R&D Public comm. & Education st generation demo Technology today Lighthouse projects 2nd generation technology 3rd generation technology Education & Awareness Local public buy-in & permitting Education & Awareness Coms Educate & Awareness - Demo programme and Lighthouse / R&D programme 2 nd generation demo (3 projects) Develop Lighthouse programme
Mode of working Advisory council of 36 members and Coordination Group 4 Taskforces & additional working groups Technology Demonstration and implementation Policy®ulation Public communication Secretariat and additional Public communications office 4 meeting cycles / year Vision strategy actions 6
Achievements CCS is on path towards commercial availability of CCS, with delay ZEP played its part in this: It presented its vision, strategy and action plan, as an anchor point for stakeholders and policy makers Developed proposal for demo programme EEPR, NER300 Developed proposal for knowledge sharing Performed ground breaking cost study CCS reference point for investors Developed R&D agendas Now finalising business climate study ZEP has become stakeholder community for all CCS issues (e.g. amines) 7
Key success factors ETP Initiative of EC Clear added value of ZEP for its constituents (including but not only financial added value) Internal leadership Principles: neutrality, no lobbying, transparency and openness 8
Challenges Keeping momentum in times of hardship (economic crisis, crumbling business case, belief in unrealistic energy roadmaps) Lack of linkages between ETP’s (horizontal issues) Engaging NGO’s Engaging the 6 th stakeholder groups. 9