Project Title Meeting Date
Agenda Introductions Project Management Tools Communication Exercise Effective Meetings Project Management Templates BOX demonstration Communication Exercise Is my message being heard? Pending Action Items Team Charters Round Robin/Questions
Project Management Preview What is project management? PMBOK – standard viewed by the Project Management Institute (PMI) for professional certification. Methodology/framework for managing a project with a logical step-by-step process for successful planning, control, and delivery. Established GRU project management tools/templates to use in our project and to assist your teams.
Project Management Phases Discovery & Initiation Planning Implementation Closing Project Charter Project Structure Project Roles and Responsibilities Project Timeline/Milestones Discovery & Initiation, Planning, Implementation, and Closing Monitoring and Controlling occurs during implementation, and allows modifications if necessary, Currently, we are in the discovery/initiation phase Phase I - Initiating – develop charter, identify stakeholders Phase II – Planning – identify scope, sequence of activities, estimate resources, communications, Phase III – Executing (implementing) – managing all the areas Phase IV – Monitoring – we combined these two phases for simplistic reasons but still allowed management of all knowledge areas… TRANSITION
Project Management Phases Discovery & Initiation Planning Implementation Closing Develop Work Breakdown Structure/Project Schedule Risk Assessment Facilitation/Change Management Communication/Change Management Plan
Project Management Phases Discovery & Initiation Planning Implementation Closing Discovery & Initiation, Planning, Implementation, and Closing Monitoring and Controlling occurs during implementation, and allows modifications if necessary, Currently, we are in the discovery/initiation phase Phase I - Initiating – develop charter, identify stakeholders Phase II – Planning – identify scope, sequence of activities, estimate resources, communications, Phase III – Executing (implementing) – managing all the areas Phase IV – Monitoring – we combined these two phases for simplistic reasons but still allowed management of all knowledge areas… TRANSITION Monitoring, Measuring, Re-planning, Implementation
Meeting Agendas/Minutes Tips for Effective Project Meetings: Meeting Agendas/Minutes Plan the meeting Conduct the meeting Follow up after the meeting Plan/schedule the meeting Consider location & time for effectiveness Prepare an agenda Distribute agenda before meeting Have copies of handouts/agendas Conduct the Meeting Start meeting on time! Review the agenda for time allotted Review actions/decisions made Emphasize meeting agenda/plan prior to meeting Illustrate an example with Mickey and Karen and Heather
Meeting Agendas/Minutes Tips for Effective Project Meetings: Meeting Agendas/Minutes Plan the meeting Conduct the meeting Follow up after the meeting Distribute action minutes ASAP after the meeting (store in BOX) Follow-up on discussions and commitments Check with team on progress of action items before the next meeting Emphasize follow-up after meeting w any pending action items and/or document decisions made. Illustrate an example with SLO project – question regarding a decision – in meeting minutes
Status Report Emphasize color coding for status Green - Yellow – address if critical issue related to schedule or work delays Red – Questions related to any project management tools? Templates will be provided via BOX.
SACSCOC 2016 – Compliance BOX folder BOX demonstration Box used for document control/management BOX file structure SACSCOC 2016 – Compliance Compliance Action Teams PM Status Reports Project Communications Project Core Team Meeting Agendas & Minutes Project Documents COMPLIANCE ACTION TEAMS – use for teams SACSCOC 2016 – Compliance BOX folder *LINK –
Communication Exercise Is my message being heard? Blind Instructions – Piece of paper Close your eyes Follow my instructions Share results Repeat in pairs – back-to-back Give each member of the group an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper, the facilitator needs one too. Have them close their eyes. The facilitator issues the instructions and follows them as well. No questions are allowed. Instructions: Fold the paper in half. Rip off a corner Fold the paper in half The group can now open their eyes and find that there are many different shapes of paper. Why? Refer to diagram (sender/receiver). The debrief covers the need for two way communication and clarification that message was heard – need for additional instructions and that the different perceptions of the people caused the many different designs. Break out in pairs - Have the pairs sit back to back and repeat the exercise using two way communications and find that the patterns come out closer.
Communication Exercise
Next Steps/Actions Members of Core Action Team (prior to February meeting) Review the materials provided in your Resource Binder, especially SACSCOC Resource Manual Sections Draft team charter for Functional Action Team (see the sample in your Binder) Identify members of your Functional Action Team, considering these questions: Who is functionally responsible for ensuring compliance with a SACSCOC standard, either in part or in whole? Who is affected by GRU’s compliance with a SACSCOC standard? Who will have the expertise to be a productive team member? How do you foresee divvying the work of your team?
Round Robin & Questions Insert PM Name/Email Address