WAPCAS’ HIV/STI ACTIVITIES FOR KEY POPULATION (KP) – 3rd QTR 2015 Date: 23rd Sept. 2015 Venue: RCC Conference Room, Accra
BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF WAPCAS WAPCAS- Ghana- West Africa Program to Combat AIDS & STI Been in operation from 1996 to date Locally registered NGO (since 2006). Support program to GHS and GAC
VISION & MISSION VISSION: Become an umbrella organization for Key Population intervention in Ghana and beyond WAPCAS’ MISSION: To spearhead the control and reduction of HIV/AIDS and STI new infections among Key Populations (KP) as well as the transmission of those infections to the general population through the provision of preventive and curative services based on peer-group interventions in partnership with public and private sector.
CORE VALUES Excellence, Confidentiality, Accountability, Teamwork and Friendly services to our clients
COVERAGE AREA WAPCAS is working in 9 out of the 10 administrative regions of Ghana WAPCAS Has 21 other satellite offices in the regions in addition to the Head Office in Accra
Intervention Areas for KPs Accra Tema Ashaiman Agona Swedru Mankessim Cape Coast/Elimina Takoradi Assin Foso Koforidua/Suhum Nkawkaw Kumasi Ejura Sunyani Dormaa Techiman Kintampo Yeji Tamale Bolgatanga Navrongo/Paga Wa
Composition of the Intervention Preventive services (Outreach activities) Clinical services ( STI/HTC Services)
What do we hope to achieve? Minimizing the spread of HIV and STI amongst key populations by promoting the 10 key behaviours being pursued by Ghana.
Key activities Outreach peer education and mobilization Condom/ gel promotion and sales Large group edutainment sessions -(Roamer get-together, ‘love & trust’) - Condom activation sessions HTC services - Clinic services - DIC services - Integrated Community Health Promotion Programme (ICHPP)
KEY ACTIVITIES Referrals for clinical care and other services (90 90 90) BCC material distribution Building linkages and networking Monitoring and supervision Field monitoring visits Review meetings Data collection and reporting on activities Supports national HIV and AIDS studies and review of documents for the national response
ON-GOING PROJECTS USAID RISK Project – 3years intervention for FSW (seaters & night clubs) (Mar 2015- Mar 2018) USAID LINKAGES Project – 1year intervention for FSW (roamers) & MSM (May 2015-April 2016)
USAID RISK Project Overall Aim: To deliver a three (3) year comprehensive program that will help increase gender equity, reduce violence and other human rights abuses, strengthen and improve the quality of peer education and improve access to services by FSW. Implementing sites: Accra, Kumasi, Tema (Including Tema New Town) and Ashaiman Implementing Agency: Direct implementation by WAPCAS – Accra, Tema & Tema Newtown 2 Community based NGOs – Our Community Our Concern (OCOC) in Ashaiman & Together We Care Foundation (TWCF) in Kumasi.
USAID RISK Project Cont’d – Project Implementation team 1 Project Coordinator - Supports the Planning, Coordinating & Implementation of program activities and report writing 4 Project Officers - Run day-to- day activities, supervise PEs and maintain linkages and network with stakeholders. 70 Peer Educators - Direct interaction with the target population WAPCAS Core HQ staff - Provide Technical and Financial Support (Technical direction, Capacity building, logistical support and Monitoring and supervision)
USAID RISK Project Cont’d - Key Activities Promote HIV/AIDS prevention and healthier behaviours among FSW(Peer education through micro planning Promote and increase the utilization of STI, HTC and other related services Strengthen targeted activities to improve FSW knowledge on rights, disability and legal issues, GBV and stigma reduction among FSW Strengthen the human and institutional capacity of WAPCAS as an umbrella organization and 2 CBOs
USAID RISK Project Cont’d - Expected Outcomes (3 years) 9,240 FSW (4,200 FSW in Yr 1; 6,720 FSW in Yr 2; 9,240 FSW in Yr 3) reached with minimum package of HIV and SYI prevention messages 12,000,000 pieces (average 4,000,000 pieces a year) of condoms promoted 1,200,000 pieces (average 400,000 pieces a year) of sachet gel promoted 4,620 FSW offered HTC services 2,772 FSW offered STI services 100% referral of FSW who test HIV positive to available care and support 2 CBOs active and implementing activities with objectives fully achieved 1 DIC maintained and operational
USAID LINKAGES Project Overall Aim: Contribute to the reduction of HIV transmission among KPs (FSW&MSM) and their sexual partners and improving the quality of life for those who are living with HIV. Implementing Sites: Takoradi, Koforidua and Suhum (FSW & MSM), PLHIV for KPs in Accra, Kumasi, Sunyani, Techiman and all implementing sites
USAID LINKAGES Project Cont’d -Key ACTIVITIES Increase availability of comprehensive prevention care, and treatment services, including reliable coverage across the continuum of care for KPs Demand for comprehensive prevention, care, and treatment services among KP enhanced and sustained Strengthen system for planning, monitoring evaluating, and ensuring the quality of programs for KPs
USAID LINKAGES Project Cont’d Implementation team 1 Project Coordinator, 2 Project Officers, 16 Peers Educators & 2Community Liaison Officers (CLOs) WAPCAS Core HQ staff Expected Outcome – 1 year 7,000 FSW reached 1,600 MSM reached 600,000 pieces of condoms promoted and distributed 40,000 pieces of Lubricants promoted and distributed
USAID LINKAGES Project Cont’d KP PLHIV 360 KP PLHIV HTC 4,400 FSW counselled and tested 650 MSM counselled and tested STI 2,200 FSW receive STI services 480 MSM receive STI services
Results so far (RISK & LINKAGES) – Qtr 3 Quarter report yet to be ready
Immediate Past Projects WAPCAS/GAC Global Fund HIV/STI Intervention for FSW and MSM (2010 - June 2015) Implemented in 9 out of 10 regions for FSW and 3 regions (Greater Accra, Ashanti and Central region for MSM GAC/WAPCAS Empowerment program (Mar 2014 – May 2015) Implemented in Accra and trained FSW in beads, bread and pastry making, decoration and records keeping
Activities at the Empowerment Centre
Activities at the empowerment Centre
Challenges Intermittent shortages of commodities, e.g. HIV test kits Displacement of target community due to floods and decongestion by city authorities Areas and times our target community is found