Project Updates Louisiana Water Synergy Project May 19, 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Project Updates Louisiana Water Synergy Project May 19, 2016

Before we start… Thanks to our host! Oliver Boyd, Motiva Enterprises Safety Message Reminder: Anti-Trust Guidelines

Projects underway or planned Louisiana Coastal Zone Game Development of Shared Biological Baseline Data for Lower Mississippi River to support CWA 316(b) compliance Design of Louisiana Water Quality Trading Program Coastal Zone Resiliency Financing Initiative Support for Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation Cypress Tree Planting

Louisiana Coastal Zone Game Playable prototype of simulation game completed Funding provided by Entergy and ConocoPhillips Work done by University of Virginia’s Cntr for Leadership Simulation and Gaming. Based on template from Chesapeake Bay Game Enables participants to explore and understand mutual interests, trade-offs, and consequences of potential decisions about funding resiliency projects. Note: Game is designed to get conversations going that lead to collaboration and action; it is not a decision support tool.

Game Overview Time period covered: 2016 – 2031 Participants make annual decisions about funding resilience projects based on their roles and the budgets available to them Roles: CPRA US Army Corps of Engineers Parish Executive (East, West, Central) NGO—modeled after The Nature Conservancy Corporate Executive

Game Overview (con’t) Each year the model projects changes in Wetlands loss rate Overall resilience Fisheries productivity Commercial and residential asset value Unemployment Homes lost Displacement Mortality Player decisions combined with hurricane events to show: Business as usual scenario—unaffected by player decisions Game scenario—impacts of protective an restoration projects

Coastal Zone Game: Next Steps 2016 funding received from ConocoPhillips and Entergy will fund the following activities 2-3 additional virtual game plays; input received will help us finalize player and facilitator guides 2-3 actual game plays, including one with WSP members to further refine as needed 1-2 game plays led by WSP participants with their stakeholders Key performance indicators Satisfactory completion of the above Survey results from game participants Number of stakeholder conversations, innovative strategies, policy alternatives, issue resolutions stimulated by game play discussions

Design a Louisiana Water Quality Trading Program Work began in late 2015 with a team including LDEQ, LDAF, CPRA, and the Water Synergy Project Following guidance document published by National Network on Water Quality Trading entitled: “Building a Water Quality Trading Program: Options and Considerations” Program is intended to be integrated with regulatory process, similar to the Louisiana Air Quality Program, and to allow point to point source trades as well as, potentially, point to non-point source trades

Design a Louisiana Water Quality Trading Program (con’t) 2016 Planned Work: Present program concept and alternatives for implementation to LDEQ senior management. Target date: June 2016 Continue design work, with a goal of initiating the regulatory process for point source to point source trades by the end of 2016 Continue to develop design factors for point to non-point source trades, including research into economic returns expected from specific types of trades. Evaluate watersheds with highest potential for trading

Upcoming events US BCSD, WBCSD, and Yale Conference: Pathways to Impact: Driving Scale and Aligning Values, June 14-15, Yale Campus Workshops on Coastal Resiliency Financing and Results of this project and how to scale the benefits in other regions 2016 State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, June 1-3 June 3 presentation on WSP Coastal Zone Resilience Financing Project IUCN Conference, Honolulu, September 1-10, 2016 US BCSD/REF Pavilion Side Event, Sept 5: Financing Coastal Resiliency