Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Detachment Health & Safety Stephen Devereau Technical Manager
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Pre-application discussion: often a proposed campaign will be flagged up to FAAM. First chance to gather information on H & S aspects First “filter” of requirements FAAM Flying Application FAAM and Directflight formally assess the application. Head of FAAM, Operations and Technical Managers either accept, suggest changes or reject the application NERC Projects go into the funding process The Operations Committee put the campaign into the flying programme Application Process
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Directflight discuss the flying with the PI Directflight Questionnaire completed Directflight Safety Management System process started FAAM gather information. Other groups who have flown in this area before Country information from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office Past campaigns Specialist groups such as Controlled Risks Recce Includes PI, FAAM, Directflight, Avalon Recce report produced. Includes H & S assessment of the area where we will be staying Application Process
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Directflight SMS Meeting Now includes FAAM Discusses all aspects of the flying FAAM put information on the website Campaign pages Formal pre-detachment briefing Application Process
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM General information on our operations Website: FAMILs. All should be aware of the content Parent organisations Health & Safety policy Other Important Information
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM The Met Office provides guidance via its internal website Directflight have their own working arrangements FAAM offers guidance for working hours via the FAMILs In fact, all the above groups offer very similar guidance Critically important that PIs decide upon how often they want to fly etc in advance of the detachment, allowing us all to crew the detachment appropriately Working Hours
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Your parent organisation is responsible for your Health & Safety The Detachment Manager’s (FAAM and Directflight) take responsibility for the detachment It is important that all incidents are reported as soon as possible More general comments should be fed back to FAAM so we can take action - “lessons learned” On Detachment
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Aircraft SATCOM-C SATCOM Swift64 and upgrade Data phone Iridium? Intercom Ground SATCOM terminals Iridium phone Mobile phones Communications
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM 3. Data transmitted to ground station 2. Dropsonde data processed on the aircraft, then SATCOM system transmits data to SATCOM satellite 1. Dropsonde data telemetry link to aircraft 4. Data available worldwide, input into operational forecast models Dropsonde Data and SATCOM: Input into Operational Models
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Can you tell us - How does the plume appear when you look out? Is it visible easily? [2010/05/14 13:45] Plume is visible as a hazy layer, but then we know where to look [2010/05/14 13:51] profiled up through plume. Had 500mgrammes/m3 and 140ppb SO2 for about 10 secs at FL W 6 30W [2010/05/14 13:53] [FAAMOps] dust pics online in 2 mins. [2010/05/14 13:58] heading SE towards LAke District at fl250. dust below between FL58 16N 6 12W [2010/05/14 13:59] Thats good. Dust image suggests best area to operate is over S.Scotland, south of Edinb/Glasg. [2010/05/14 14:12] heading FL270. Ash layer between FL250 and 57 42N 5 23W [2010/05/14 14:15] Suggested aiming point: 55 30N, 03 15W to be in centre of plume. 1300UTC dust image shows edge of plume o/h Prestwick [2010/05/14 14:18] Phil. Currently heading for that area. Plot on its way to you Responding to a changing situation: Realtime chat system via SATCOM: Coordinating scientist on ground airborne Mission Scientist FAAM Operations
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Responding to a changing situation: Sent to the aircraft Sent from the aircraft
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Taking it further: Improving our Facility: a new SATCOM system under consideration – cheaper operating costs (factor of 8) and improved bandwidth (factor of 4)
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Critically important for co-ordinating the flight There are questions about its effectiveness due to the technical limitations There are questions about its effectiveness due to the operational way we use the intercom Best practice Training Involvement with the air-crew FAMIL & Operational Crew Instruction Communications - Intercom