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何信緯 Thomas Ho 2013 第 14 屆侍酒師大賽 台灣代表 2011 東南亞最佳侍酒師競賽優勝 2011 台灣最佳法國酒侍酒師競賽冠軍 2012 亞洲大西洋最佳侍酒師競賽台灣代表 2012 受邀擔任印尼最佳侍酒師競賽評審 經歷: 台中 Le Moût 樂沐法式餐廳侍酒師 WSET 認證講師 台灣侍酒師協會理事及認證講師 法國西南馬第宏 (Madiran) 騎士勳章 學歷: 瑞士旅館管理大學 Swiss Hotel Management School

I NTRODUCTION OF F RENCH C HAMPAGNE : M OET & C HANDON OR V EUVE C LIQUOT History Making process Moet range and differences vs. other champagne brands


ART OF LIVING : TRADITION AS THE ORIGIN OF F RENCH TASTE Veziane FAURE has over 20 years of experience in the field of marketing, communication and CRM specialized in branding. She founded the Company Veziane Company Ltd. with the retail brand Marchand de Linge in 2008 and launched her own shop in 2010.

OBJECTIVES To create an understanding of French taste not as a style in itself, but as a means of attaining elegance. Explain the connection between the art of living and everyday life in the castles and houses of France Show that “taste” is cultivated through the knowledge of the art of living and a certain etiquette Demonstrate that the love of the French style does not come from imitation, but from the understanding of its origins

THEMES The evolution of the dining table, which led to the social codes and ideas of “etiquette” of our day The bedroom, the bed, and the wardrobe The love of many Frenchwomen of decor and fashion

FRENCH WINE TASTING RED OR WHITE?” Pierre Tarrene, General Manager Pierre has extensive experience in wine dealing, in the United States and Asia. Today he distributes middle range wines and is a supplier for hotels such as Novotel, Sherwood and the Westin. He regularly organizes wine tastings in his store located in Tien Mu, “Pierre, La Maison du Vin”.

INTRODUCTION OF WINE MAKERS IN FRANCE How to taste French wine How to drink French wine? How to open and serve French wine?

THE MAGIC KITCHEN: LIGHT MEALS IN FRENCH STYLE Cooking French dishes has become a way to remind Natacha of France since she started to live abroad. While being a French teaching assistant at Wenhua University for the academic year , Natacha offered French cooking classes to students and encountered a great success. Natacha also participated in Weibo primary school’s French Week by teaching children how to make simple French dishes and pies. Natacha BRUN

O BJECTIVE Fast and healthy French light meal concept French home-made recipe Table manners and conversation French dishes testing