Ian Kallusingh Period 3
I want to be a police officer because I like helping people. In the neighborhood I grew up in there was never a police officer around to help control the violence. I want to make my neighborhood a safe place to live.
Graduate high school Attend police academy It cost $5,000 for the academy The academy is 9-5 mon-fri for 6 months
$600,000 $700,000 $500,000 Average $600,000
#1 4 beds 2.0 2,193 $210,000 #2 4 beds 3.0 3,085 $280,000 #3 4 beds 3.0 2,908 $386,000
#4 4 beds 2.0 2,007 $271,300 #5 4 beds 2.0 2,408 $309,500 Average price $291360
Monthly Budget Salary-$53000*.85=$45050/12=$3755 Rent/Mortgage $1602 Food $400 Ask parents & calculate Car Payment 15*every thousand mustang gt $462 15*30.75 Utilities $200
Water Bill $20 Ask parents TV Bill $92 Internet $75 House insurance $300 Ask parents Car insurance $150 Ask parents $3301 $454