Welcome to my IEP! I will introduce you to my team. If you have any questions during my presentation, please stop me and share your thoughts and ideas. IEP page 1
Reason for Our Meeting My disability is ____________________ I need help in planning my school program IEP page 1
Special Things to Consider English Language Learner Visual impairment/Blind Hearing impaired/Deaf Assistive Technology Behavior IEP page 2
My Skills in School (Strengths and Weaknesses) Remembering Listening Focusing Comprehending Reading Writing Math Studying IEP page 3 Thinking SkillsLearning Skills
My Skills in School (Strengths and Weaknesses) Group work Friend skills Manners Organization Work completion Self-control IEP page 3 Social SkillsBehavior Skills
My Skills in School (Strengths and Weaknesses) Fine motor Playground skills Health Vision Hearing Listening skills Speaking skills Following directions IEP page 3 Physical SkillsCommunication Skills
My Skills in School (Strengths and Weaknesses) Bathroom skills Dressing Grooming Doing chores Eating I live in ______ I am in ___ grade I have ___ brothers and sisters I like to _______ I participate in _____ IEP page 3 Independent SkillsEcological
My Goals Goal 1 How will this goal be worked on? How will we keep track of my progress? IEP page 4
My Goals Goal 2 How will this goal be worked on? How will we keep track of my progress? IEP page 4
How My Disability Affects Me At School (Accommodations/Modifications) In class With classmates/others At recess Transition times (hallway/between classes) Homework IEP page 5
State Assessment I will not participate this year. I will participate without accommodations. I will participate with accommodations. List accommodations: IEP page 5
Activities PE: Reg or Adaptive Art Music FACS Vocational Ed Trade & Industrial Ed Athletics: Clubs: Counseling Recreation: Transportation Employment Referrals IEP page 6
Summary of My Plan Placement: Reason this is most appropriate: IEP page 7
My Special Education Services I will receive (reading, math, classroom support) for (min/week) starting on (date). These services will be for (duration) and be provided by (staff person). I will receive this support in (location). IEP page 7
My Special Education Services I will attend school for A full day Shorter day Longer day I will/will not need a summer program because: IEP page 7
Comment/Questions Are there any other comment about my IEP? Does anyone have any questions about my IEP?
Let ’ s Have a Great Year! Thanks for coming and helping me with my plan!