Finding the Motivation to Quit Smoking By
Introduction Finding the motivation to quit smoking and stay smoke-free is a question many intending non-smokers ask. This presentation will attempt to answer these questions and more.
Motivating Factor No 1: The Desire to Live Long This factor alone has motivated so many people to quit smoking and will motivate you. The mere thought of having many years added to your life instead of wasting your years on every puff has successfully kept many people off cigarettes and will definitely keep you too. Even though life is challenging, nobody wants to die young. The mere thought of being able to live long by dropping off cigarettes is enough to keep many people off nicotine addiction.
Motivating Factor No 2: The Desire to be In Control As human beings, we always love to be in control of our lives and so the thought of having a substance controlling you motivates a lot of people to quit. Freedom from Nicotine is a very strong motivator to quit smoking. You can find enough motivation to stop smoking by getting sick of your addiction and vulnerability to tobacco.Towing this same line is the desire to be in control of how you spend your money.What some people have done is put a jar beside the door- and whenever they wanted to get cigarettes, what they did instead was put the money the cigarettes would have cost in a jar. When the jar was full, they would buy something good.
Motivating Factor No 3: The Desire to Smell and Feel Nice Smokers tend to smell like an ashtray and this sometimes prevents them from gaining social acceptance. In some very serious cases, it even causes marital problems as a partner may refuse to kiss the smoking partner. If you are in such a situation, this should be enough motivation to make you quit.
Motivating Factor No 4: The Desire to be a Role Model When you are in a situation where you a role model to other people, you just have to find the courage to drop off your cigarette sticks. This is because you will be a really bad influence upon the people who look up to you.
Motivating Factor No 5: When You No Longer Enjoy It Most people talk of quitting cigarettes at the point when they no longer enjoyed it. If you have reached a point like that in your life, it’s enough reason to quit. If you still want motivation, make a list of all the people that care about you and all the reasons to live healthier. If that isn’t enough, ask for a tour of the cancer ward. You’ll be amazed to see so many young people who are dying of cancer- related diseases.
Related Links and Resources How to Cope With Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms How to Cope With Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms Home Remedies to Stop Smoking Stop Smoking by Hypnosis Stop Smoking Medication
Now that You’re Motivated to Quit, What Next? The best thing is to stop cold turkey with the right attitude. This is a worthwhile thing to do and you want to do it! Some people find it helps to write down all the reasons they want to stop smoking on a piece of paper and carry it around with them to look at when they are tempted.cold turkey
What Next?(2) Talk to someone about wanting to quit. Such a person could be your mentor or accountability partner, in most cases, it’s good if the person is a successful ex-smoker. When you make your desire to quit smoking public, you find it awkward to go back to smoking.
What Next?(3) Join a support group. There are many stop smoking support groups online. You can join them to discuss the challenges you are facing in your stop smoking journey and how to overcome.
What Next?(4) Celebrate every success you achieve in your quit smoking efforts. It’s definitely not going to be easy so if you make any significant success, reward yourself, it helps to keep you focused on your smoking cessation goal.
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