Nicolae Bălcescu 29th of June th of November 1852 Stan Diana-Georgiana Bălasa Oana Maria Gabriela
The 29th of June 1819 – He was born in Bucharest. Nicolae Bălcescu, son of a baker. The son takes his mother’s name because his father died early – After graduating Sf. Sava College, he became a cadet in the Romanian Army – He participated in a conspiracy against the Fanariot ruler of the time, but it failed and was sent to prison at Mărgineni Church, where his health started to deteriorate rapidly.
1843 – He founded the secret society ‘’The Brotherhood’’, which prepared the Revolution from He appeared in ‘’The Progress ‘’, the first historic writing, ‘’The army power and the military art from the funding of Valahia state until now’’, which Nicolae Iorga considers a ‘’wonderful history chapter, which would not look bad under the pen of a nowadays historian “. In The Progress Balcescu published Comments about the battle from Câmpia Rigăi or Coovo – Literary Association, whose comity was formed of C.G. Filipescu, t. Golescu, Iancu Văcărescu and I. Voinescu II, among its members it was also Nicolae Bălcescu.
February he participates at the revolution from Paris – Together with tefan Golescu and Ion Brătianu, Nicolae Bălcescu is part of the committee of the newspaper La Tribune des Peuples, edited by the Polish writer Adam Mickiewicz – In Paris, under the leading of Bălcescu and other exiled men, it appears Future Romania, in a single number, in it were published a few important writings of the Romanian literature Romania Song by Alecu Russo (French version), The development of the revolution in the Romanian history, by Nicolae Bălcescu – It is established in Paris, under the guidance of Bălcescu, Junimea română, a cultural and political society for youngsters; among them there was also Al. I. Odobescu, an admirer of Balcescu.
1852 – Nicolae Balcescu dies in Palermo, he was the founder of the modern history, the main animator of the revolution from 1848, a true patriot, a martyr of the people. He died in Palermo, but he was not taken to the poor grave, as it was written, he was transported to Capucinilor church, specialized in mummifications. His mummy can be seen today in the gallery of the church, with the inscription: ‘’Nicolae Balcescu, prime minister of Valachia;’’ – appears postum in Odobescu’s Romanian Magazine, Romanians under Mihai-Voievod Viteazul Al. I. Odobescu takes care of editing in a volume Balcescu’s most important writing, Romanians under Mihai- Voievod Viteazul.
Camil Petrescu,Bălcescu (theatre play), 1948; Camil Petrescu, A man among people (an unfinished novel ), ; Eugen Jebeleanu, Bălcescu (poem, 1952).
1948: With the occasion of the first centenary from the Revolution from 1848, the new communist authorities of Romania emitted a coin/a silver coin, in copies, having on one side the face of Nicolae Bălcescu and on the other side the emblem of the new communist state. The coin had all the characteristics of a coin, excepting the nominal value, which was lacking. The large number of copies can be explained by the desire of the new authorities to show their position towards the revolutionary Nicolae Băcescu, considered as a predecessor of the communist doctrine, and also the new state emblem.
2007: National Bank of Romania, emitted, in numismatic purposes, a gold coin (with nominal value of 500 lei), having the title of 999/1000, in maximum 250 copies, commemorating Nicolae Bălcescu. The coin weights 31,103 grams.
With the occasion of 190 years from Nicolae Bălcescu’s birth, National Bank of Romania put in circulation, starting the 30st of December 2009, three coins, a gold one (with nominal value of 500 lei, in 500 copies ), a silver one (with nominal value of 10 lei, in copies ) and another one of zincked copper (with nominal value of 1 leu, in copies)