Drakkar: Networks and Multimedia Group Andrzej Duda
2 Group composition 8 faculty/scientists 6 grad students
3 Group objectives Network protocols and communication applications Advances in networking next-generation Internet (IPv6, QoS, advanced routing, mobility) wireless networks (802.11, Bluetooth, sensor networks, ad hoc networks)
4 Main results Performance of WLANs identification and analysis of performance anomaly analysis of short-term fairness how to obtain low delays Next generation WLANs (802.11n) Idle Sense, an optimal access method (SIGCOMM 2005) implemented on Intel chipset, measurements Fast discovery in Bluetooth networks Dynamic label switching for ad hoc networks Energy efficient layer 2 and 3 for sensor networks
5 Current project: All-Wireless Internet New disruptive interconnecton architecture based on wireless links new protocol architecture (routing, addressing, localization) mobility, multi-homing, multi-interface integrated from scratch autonomic operation (auto-configuration, discovery) advanced wireless networks (suitable MAC, cross-layer design, smart antennas, WiMax) opportunistic communications (content distribution in close neighborhood)
6 Sensor networks Characteristics: no infrastructure, radio communication, multihop topology, finite energy resources, low-rate data traffic Different optimization goal: increase the life span of the network Need to revisit all protocols MAC, routing, applications Drakkar research objectives energy-efficient routing new MAC layers for sensor networks localization, geographic routing
7 Maximum lifetime routing Transform max lifetime routing into min delay routing Map residual energy to interests propagation delays Interests propagation Data propagation not needed
8 Micro Frame Preamble Preamble Sampling MAC our proposal - microframes Avoid unwanted receptions of the preamble of data
9 Currently funded projects WIP - All-Wireless Internet, IST STREP project LIP6-UPMC, LIG, Thomson, Siemens, CTTC, IT Lisbon, U. Thessaloniki AIRNET - Mobility in an All-Wireless Interconnection, RNRT project LIG, LIP6-UPMC, Eurécom, LSIIT, INRIA/MADYNES, France Télécom R&D, Thales, Ozone ARESA - Embedded Systems and Sensor Networks, RNRT project France Télécom R&D, CITI-ARES, LIG, TIMA, Verimag, Coronis-Systems
10 Conclusion Omni-communication wireless opportunistic communication between all kinds of devices wireless, mobile, embedded, sensors Find new communication applications collaborative ad hoc spaces, proximity interaction coupling with the physical world Methodology explore new ideas simulate or build prototypes analyze, measure, get insight, validate concepts