Ch0:1 Tseng:WirelessNet Chapter 0: Chances of Wireless Communications Yu-Chee Tseng Dept of Computer Science and Information Engr. National Chiao-Tung University
Ch0:2 Tseng:WirelessNet Wireless Network Architectures
Ch0:3 Tseng:WirelessNet
Ch0:4 Tseng:WirelessNet Wireless Network Models With Infrastructure: Without Infrastructure (ad hoc networks):
Ch0:5 Tseng:WirelessNet Cellular: Infrared:
Ch0:6 Tseng:WirelessNet As relaying link Packet Radio Network
Ch0:7 Tseng:WirelessNet 無線隨意網路 ( Multi-hop Ad Hoc Network )
Ch0:8 Tseng:WirelessNet 感測網路( Sensor Network )
Ch0:9 Tseng:WirelessNet Nokia Rooftop Product
Ch0:10 Tseng:WirelessNet
Ch0:11 Tseng:WirelessNet
Ch0:12 Tseng:WirelessNet Bluetooth Technology
Ch0:13 Tseng:WirelessNet Applications of Wireless Communications
Ch0:14 Tseng:WirelessNet When You Are Mobile Today Desperately looking for a computer to check your s Need to access Internet, or other information Contacting other people using pay phone, cellular phone, airphone, BB call Someone may be paging you, faxing you, … Using a laptop to do work while traveling
Ch0:15 Tseng:WirelessNet Who Needs Wireless Communications Law Makers in the Congress One who needs to work with customers face-to-face doctor/nurse clerk/salespersons adv.: paperless, less error-prone Retail: order, pricing, sell, inventory Warehousing: the most paper-intensive industry can incorporate with barcodes
Ch0:16 Tseng:WirelessNet Health Care: personal health history blood-drawing request X-ray taking request Hospitality: 服務業, 餐廳入座, 代客泊車 Utility: 水公司, 電力公司 Kansas City: wireless metering system, serving 150,000 customers. Field work, Field services: always on the road Vending Machines: need to check stocks …
Ch0:17 Tseng:WirelessNet Advantages Easy to Install: hard-to-networking environment: river, highway, historic cites fast installation: festival, assembly, Q-&-A in congress reliability: (wired cables might be cut, get rusty, …) in a company: re-organization, change office, etc.
Ch0:18 Tseng:WirelessNet Mobile Computing Wireless Communication Technology Portable Computer Technology appearance of light-weight computing devices Vision: Ubiquitous Computing / Nomadic Computing computers everywhere; information anywhere anytime
Ch0:19 Tseng:WirelessNet Features of Wireless Communication one global bandwidth shared by all users fortunately channels, such as (frequency, time-slot) pairs, can be reused Radio-based low bandwidth high latency radio communication links higher bit error rate (BER) fading short-term multipath fading (Rayleigh effect) due to same signal taking different paths and arriving at the receiver shifted in phase long-term fading (radio shadow) topology of the terrain (like mountains) can cause signal dropouts solution: deploying multiple antenna sites
Ch0:20 Tseng:WirelessNet Features of Portable Computers Limited resources: limited energy (battery life) limited CPU speed limited memory Less reliable, less secure
Ch0:21 Tseng:WirelessNet Mobile System Architecture Cellular-based Ad hoc Relaying link Wireless ATM Packet Radio Network Sensor Networks
Ch0:22 Tseng:WirelessNet Mobile Computing Applications/Services Wireless information services: Pico-service: local parking lot availability, layout of a building Micro-service: train and bus station information, local traffic information Macro-service: weather information, local news service Wide Area Service: stock market information Real-time multimedia applications tele-medicine tele-computing collaborative environments
Ch0:23 Tseng:WirelessNet New Dimensions in Mobile Computing wide variations of available resources heterogeneity how to adapt to changes in the environment multiple administrative domains scalability
Ch0:24 Tseng:WirelessNet Research: Hardware Aspects power saving display, LCD low-voltage CPUs AT&T's Hobbit chip: 5,000 times less power consumption in doze mode than active mode radio: IEEE power consumption example: transmit: 1400 mW receive: 1000 mW idle: 830 mW sleep: 130 mW size, user interface (wearable computers)
Ch0:25 Tseng:WirelessNet Research: Software Aspects mobile communication protocols WAP wireless TCP Mobile IP MAC protocols Energy-efficient protocol related to the above send/receive/idle/sleep model ... and many others
Ch0:26 Tseng:WirelessNet Research: Algorithmic Aspects Bandwidth saving Data caching for broadcast channel allocation communication scheduling math. analysis
Ch0:27 Tseng:WirelessNet Research: Application Aspects Context-aware computing context includes user's location environment (e.g., noise level, communication b/w, communication cost etc.) social situation (e.g., with boss, with co-worker etc.) context-aware applications context-sensitive information access (e.g. where are the bookstores in the vicinity) context-sensitive commands: in active badge system command format: Ex: Coffee Kitchen arriving “play -v 50 ~/sound/”