1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax OCHIN Savings Program Value Proposition “To deliver an outstanding customer service experience and unprecedented value to each member organization by substantially decreasing their healthcare expenditures through the use of effective Group Purchasing Agreements and unique Value-Added Partnerships.”
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax OCHIN Savings Program Value-Added Partners MedAssets Dedicated Account Managers
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax The first healthcare GPO was established in 1910 by the Hospital Bureau of New York In 1970 there were 70 Hospital GPOs Today there are over 900 GPOs Only 26 GPOs are on a national level MedAssets is the largest national GPO
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax
Signs Participation Agreement & Group Program Designation New member OCHIN Savings Program Performs Cost Study days Signs Letters of Commitment New Member MedAssets Connects New Member to Contracted Pricing days
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax
Lockbox service from Spectrum Information Services NW, Inc. automates processing of private patient and insurance payments. An overview of how the service works: All checks, along with EOB documents and patient payment coupons are received by SIS NW, Inc. each morning by 8:30 am. All documents are scanned and the information is electronically returned to the medical practice on the same day received. Checks are deposited directly in the practice’s account with all back up documentation necessary to balance deposits and postings. Checks and paper documents are held for 30 days and then securely destroyed.
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax
Do you know where you may have technical vulnerabilities? Do you have an active plan to address vulnerabilities and weaknesses? Are you managing these risks on an ongoing basis? Can you document your efforts?
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax MedAssets Largest GPO in the Nation Value Added Partnerships Dedicated Account Managers Free – Any revenue goes back to reduce YOUR fees! Fees Charged to Members Sign Up and Leave
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax
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