NAS conference 1 st October 2011 The Autism Partnership Board in Surrey Tom Moore Surrey County Council Autism Commissioning Lead.


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Presentation transcript:

NAS conference 1 st October 2011 The Autism Partnership Board in Surrey Tom Moore Surrey County Council Autism Commissioning Lead

Autism Act 2009 First single disability law National Autism Strategy Autism Partnership Boards Statutory Guidance National Audit Office / Public Accounts Committee Reports National Documents

We Aim to: A real say for people with autism and their families about how services are planned and run Focus on lives not just services Focus on partnership - people working together for better services Autism Partnership Board

We Aim to: Make mainstream developments accessible for people with autism Feed into the Public Value Review of adult learning disability services in Surrey Autism Partnership Board

What will we do? Develop an action plan Support progress Monitor progress Influence plans, locally and nationally Share information Find out more online:

What we are working on 1. Training 2. Identification, diagnosis and assessment of needs 3. Employment 4. Transition Planning 5. Improving Access to Services 6. Local Planning and Leadership

1: Training Already underway Autism Champions network Health and Social Care in-house training but “Autism training needs to go wider and deeper”

1: Training Where next? Continue and expand what works Link to national standards Target key services Specify training in contracts Equalities training Next generation of mentors for Autism Champions More people with autism and carers as trainers

2: Diagnosis, assessment Asperger groups’ #1 priority Work group developing ideas for a local diagnostic service To produce a provisional costed proposal by Nov 2011 DH says - Every area should have a local plan by 2013

2: Diagnosis, assessment Any diagnostic service needs links to further information and support. Not everyone will be eligible for funded services People who are not eligible need information about autism and sources of support

3: Employment EmployAbility Office Services Exploring options for funding work preparation courses

3: Employment But… Feedback that Jobcentres and DWP initiatives have not been accessible

3: Employment Links with DWP funded services: Work Programme providers G4S and Avanta Access to Work, Disability Works JobCentre Plus, Disability Employment Advisors

4: Transition Feedback about fragmented experience of transition – Too many delays, lack of continuity of staff Transition Team now getting involved with young adults at an earlier age Work group linked in to planning, to ensure people with autism are well supported by the new processes

4: Transition Autism training – aimed at teams involved in transition Better information and communication Improving data for planning services. Local college developments

5:Improving Access Consultation / Action Plan Commissioning autism specialist supported living services Training / Champions Accreditation Work Done So Far

5:Improving Access Gathering information for the Public Value Review Individually tailored service to meet individual needs Current work

5:Improving Access More housing and support, with more variety Services working together Training and Accreditation Improving access to college Behaviour Support Preventative Services What else? Where next in Surrey?

6: Local Planning and Leadership Autism Partnership Board Action plan – (and Working group!) Public Value Review Commissioning Intentions

the Autism Partnership Board or Ask Tom Autism information from Surrey’s Learning Disability Partnership Board: Any Questions?