Tsunami Advisory Council August 14, 2015
Agenda 1:05 Welcome and Roll Call 1:10 Role of the Tsunami Advisory Group 1:15 Tsunami Evacuation Modelling (DOGAMI) Jonathon Allen & Laura Stimely 1:30 Highway 101 Entering/Leaving Tsunami Zone Re-signing (DOGAMI) Jonathon Allen & Laura Stimely 1:45 HUD Resilience Competition, Rural Resilience Oregon Incubator (Rural ROI), Jonathan Wright, City Manager, Reedsport 2:00 Hotel Outreach (OEM) Karen Parmelee 2:15 Pilot Tsunami Wayfinding Route Project (OEM) Althea Rizzo 2: Tsunami Symposium `(OEM) Althea Rizzo 2:45 ShakeOut & TsunamiZone (OEM) Althea Rizzo 2:50 Integrating the new evacuation phases into tsunami guidance (OEM) Althea Rizzo 2:55 NEXT meeting
Role of Tsunami Advisory Council The Tsunami Advisory Council was formed by Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) and Oregon Emergency Management (OEM) to provide stakeholder input on its tsunami mapping, education, and outreach programs.
Tsunami Evacuation Modelling (DOGAMI) Jonathon Allen & Laura Stimely
Highway 101 Entering/Leaving Tsunami Zone Re-signing (DOGAMI) Jonathon Allen & Laura Stimely
HUD Resilience Competition, Rural Resilience Oregon Incubator (Rural ROI), Jonathan Wright, City Manager, Reedsport
Hotel Outreach: Tsunami Safe (OEM) Karen Parmelee Tsunami Safe: –Hospitality Begins with Safety Kick-off –October 19, 2017
Waves video – Hotel Outreach: Tsunami Safe
Tsunami Wayfinding Route Pilot Project (OEM) Althea Rizzo Pages/plans_train/tsunamis.aspx#T sunami_Evacuation_Wayfindinghttp:// Pages/plans_train/tsunamis.aspx#T sunami_Evacuation_Wayfinding
Tsunami Wayfinding Route Pilot Project The purpose of this project will be to plan and implement creative tsunami evacuation route wayfinding and public outreach. The total amount that will be awarded to a single community will be $25,000 with an expectation of at least 50% match in cash and in-kind by the community. The winning proposal will implement a “beach to assembly point” tsunami evacuation route using innovative wayfinding along the entire route. This is a competitive grant offering. Total grant amount: $25,000 Expected match: minimum of 50% (at least 25% in cash) Completed grant proposals must be submitted as pdf via by October 15, Only one project will be funded through this grant.
Timeline: –September 1, 2015 – Guidance released –October 15, 2015 – Proposals Due –October 30, 2015 – Award announced –November 30, 2015 – Contract signed and work can commence –March 1, 2016 – Progress report due –June1, 2016– Progress report due –September 1, 2016– Progress report due –December 31, 2016 – End of performance period –January 31, 2017 – Final report due –March 31, 2017 – Final Invoices due to OEM –June 31, 2017 – Payments will be processed by OEM –July 31, 2017 – OEM will send final invoice to DOGAMI Tsunami Wayfinding Route Pilot Project
2016 Tsunami Symposium (OEM) Althea Rizzo 1-2 day meeting Funded in part by NTHMP ($5,000) Share recent science Share success stories Set priorities Symposium committee A sub-set of super dedicated volunteers valiantly striving to create a successful symposium on a show string budget
ShakeOut & TsunamiZone (OEM) Althea Rizzo
Integrating the new evacuation phases into tsunami guidance (OEM) Althea Rizzo –Current Distant Tsunami Response Guidance nce_for_Distant_Tsunami_Response.pdfhttp:// nce_for_Distant_Tsunami_Response.pdf –Ready, Set, Go! %20Go!%20Evacuation%20Levels.pdfhttp:// %20Go!%20Evacuation%20Levels.pdf
NEXT TAC meeting Quarterly webinar or in-person meeting November 18, 2015 –1:00 to 3:00 PM