Chapter 6 Section 1 On the Eve of the Revolution
Learning Target I can list reasons for the build up of the French Revolution
French Society In 1789, France was still divided under an ancient class system consisting of three classes. The 1 st Estate was the clergy (church). The 2 nd Estate was the nobility. The 3 rd Estate was the vast majority of the population.
Clergy The church had enormous wealth and privilege. They owned about 10% of land, collected tithes and paid no direct taxes to the state. Did provide some social services-nuns, monks and priests ran schools, hospitals and orphanages
Nobility Given rights, but under strict control Had top jobs in government, the army, courts and the church. Owned land but received little financial income. Hated the royal government and feared losing their privileges, especially the ability to not pay taxes.
Third Estate The 3 rd Estate was very diverse. The bourgeoisie or middle class was at the top- this included bankers, merchants, manufacturers, lawyers, doctors, journalists and professors. The bulk of the 3 rd Estate was rural peasants. The poorest were urban worker- this included servants, construction workers, or street sellers.
Third Estate The 3 rd Estate resented the privileges held by the other classes. Members of the 3 rd Estate could buy offices or titles but still could not get the best jobs. The urban workers earned horrible wages that put them on the brink of starvation. Many poor members owed corvee, or unpaid labor on roads or bridges
Financial Troubles France had a massive financial crisis due to deficit spending, or when a government spends more than it takes in. Costly wars and the lavish court soaked up millions of dollars which caused the gov’t to borrow money. Half of the taxes went to pay interest on this debt. To solve this problem taxes would have to be raised In the late 1780’s a bad harvest sent food prices soaring and brought hunger to peasants and city dwellers
Financial Troubles The monarchy left heirs that were not the right fit for the gov’t. Under Louis XVI, Jacques Necker was selected as a financial advisor- he proposed reduced court spending, gov’t reform, no tariffs on internal trade and taxing the 1 st and 2 nd Estate. He was forced out by the 1 st and 2 nd Estates
Financial Trouble The wealthy and powerful classes demanded the Estates-General be summoned. This is a legislative body with a representative from each Estate. It had not been called for 175 years. It was called by Louis XVI.
Estates-General All three Estates created cahiers, or a notebook of grievances. Many called for reforms such as fairer taxes, freedom of the press or regular meetings of the Estates-General. The first problem at the Estates-General was the issue of voting. In the past each Estate had one vote. This allowed the 1 st and 2 nd to vote no on anything the 3 rd Estate wanted. The 3 rd Estate insisted that voting be based “by head”
Estates-General After weeks of the stalemate the 3 rd Estate to a daring step. The named themselves the National Assembly, a representation of the people of France. A few days after their meeting hall was locked and guarded. They then met in an indoor tennis court and created the Tennis Court Oath. They swore “never to separate and to meet whenever the circumstances might require”
Storming of the Bastille In the city of Paris there were rumors that the troops were going to occupy the capital. More than 800 people assembled outside the Bastille, a medieval fortress used as a prison. The crowd demanded gunpowder and weapons. The commanders of the Bastille refused and opened fire on the people. Breaking through the defenses, the mob killed the commander and five guards. They found no weapons. This is celebrated at their national independence day- Bastille Day.