The Mongols
Where are the Mongols from? North of China Steppe: Plateaus
Early Mongols Nomads ◦Horseback riders Small clans
Mongols Unite Around 1200 ad the Mongols clans were united by one leader named Temujin He took the title Ghenghis Khan in 1206 ◦It means “Universal Ruler” or Emperor of the World
Khan expands the Mongols Khan wants to be leader of Asia First begins with attacking Jin Dynasty (China) in 1211 Then areas west of Mongolia Then Central Asia
Why was Khan so successful? Mongols were superior to others on horseback ◦Stirrup Organized ◦Legions of 10,000 men Brilliant strategy Cruelty
At Khan’s death in 1227, this is his empire
The Khanates
Mongols as Leaders Destroyed areas and population Fierce against enemies or opposition Did not force beliefs on conquered peoples In some cases adapted to areas beliefs-in India they were called Mughals and became Muslims.
Pax Mongolia Time period of Mongols peace from mid 1200 to mid 1300s Mongols guarantee safety in trade expands between Asia and Europe
Kublai Khan Becomes the Great Khan in 1260, grandson of Genghis Although he is the ruler of the entire Mongols empire, he only focuses on his own khanate
Khan leaves Mongol way of life Instead of ruling from Mongolia, Kublai rules from China (Yuan Dynasty) Makes Beijing his capital Creates huge palace
Kublai attempts to expand empire: Japan Khan attempted to invade Japan but was defeated after 53 days “Magical Winds” Kamikaze Winds ◦Typhoon
Khan adapts Kublai Khan adapts to Chinese culture ◦Used Chinese advisors but gave high positions to Mongols or foreigners ◦Expands trade over Silk Road
Khan meets Marco Polo Marco Polo meets Khan in 1275 Became friends ◦Trusted ◦Worked for Khan for 17 years before returning to Europe ◦Brought back noodles
End of the Mongols After Death of Kublai Khan, the Mongols declined Mongols could not agree on new rulers Rebellions throughout their lands against Mongol rule, years of famine, corruption, deaths led to their eventual collapse (Ivan III in Russia)