EU - China 11 Guidelines for Applicants rules for applications European Union Delegation to China & Mongolia Beijing Information Session 14 th November.


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Presentation transcript:

EU - China 11 Guidelines for Applicants rules for applications European Union Delegation to China & Mongolia Beijing Information Session 14 th November 2011 Call for proposals: Non-State Actors in Development, China Publication reference: EuropeAid/132118/L/ACT/CN

EU - China 222 Call for proposals: Non-State Actors in Development, China Publication reference: EuropeAid/132118/L/ACT/CN 1. Main documents 2. Recommendations 3. Questions and Answers

EU - China Main documents The guidelines The general conditions to the standard grant contract The annex IV to the standard grant contract The application form The budget

EU - China The guidelines – p.6 Size of grants - EUR ≤ any grant requested ≤ EUR and -any grant requested ≤ 100% of the total eligible cost of the action and -any grant requested ≤ 90% of the estimated total accepted costs of the action if the applicant is a NSA from China and 75% if the applicant is a European NSA Attention: if no taxes or where may be reclaimed, 90% and 75% applied to total eligible cost ensuring required co-financing

EU - China The guidelines – p.7 Estimated total accepted costs = estimated total eligible costs + taxes, including VAT, where the beneficiary can show it cannot reclaim them

EU - China The guidelines – p.8 Eligibility of applicants -Legal person and -Non profit making and -NSAs constituted in accordance with the legislation in force in the respective country -Be nationals of a Member States of the European Union or of the People’s Republic of China (referred as “China) and -For NSAs from MS of EU, officially registered according to the legislation in force in the respective country for at least 3 years at the time of the submission of an application; for NSAs from China, at least 2 years and

EU - China The guidelines – p.8 -be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with their partners, not acting as an intermediary Attention: Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong and Macao are categorized as non-developing countries and territories under DCI instrument which governs this guidelines Note: Additional eligibility criteria applied to microfinance (annex I to the guidelines)

EU - China 8 WHAT DOES IT MEAN « NATIONALS » ? Nationality is determined on the basis of the organization's statutes which should demonstrate that it has been established by an instrument governed by the internal law of the country concerned. In this respect, any legal entity whose statutes have been established in another country cannot be considered an eligible local organization, even if they are registered locally or accompanied by a “Memorandum of Understanding”.

EU - China The guidelines – p.9 Partnerships Applicants from China may act individually or with partner organizations For actions presented by NSA from a MS of EU, partnership with at least 1 Chinese NSA or Chinese LA is obligatory Note: working in partnership is encouraged

EU - China The guidelines – p.9 Partners Costs partners incur are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the grant beneficiary For NSAs, same eligibility criteria applicable as the Applicant LAs (or associations of LAs) from China must be constituted in accordance with the legislation in force in the country concerned

EU - China 11 Note: -An applicant may submit more than 1 application under this CfP -An applicant may not be awarded more than 1 grant under this CfP -An applicant may at the same time be partner in another application -Partners may take part in more than 1 application

EU - China The guidelines – p.9 Associates Play a real role in the action Not receive funding from the grant with the exception of per diem or travel costs Do not have to meet the eligibility criteria in Section Contractors Subject to the procurement rule in Annex IV to the standard grant contract Sub-grantees Subject to the nationality and origin rules in Annex IV to the standard grant contract

EU - China 13 What is sub-granting (guidelines p.10) In case where the implementation of the action requires financial support to be given to third Parties. Sub-granting may not be the main purpose of the action Sub-grant have to be specified in the application the total amount of the grant as well as the min. and max. amount per sub-grant A sub-grant limited to EUR per third party Total amount awarded as sub-grants EUR

EU - China the guidelines – p.12 Eligible direct cost Comply with the provision of Art. 14 of the GC to the standard grant contract Contingency reserve Max. 5% of the eligible direct cost; use subject to the prior written authorization of the CA Eligible indirect cost Flat-rate funding; max.7% total eligible direct costs

EU - China the guidelines – p.12 Contribution in kind Not considered actual expenditure and not eligible cost Not be treated as co-financing Ineligible cost Currency exchange loss taxes

EU - China 16 Important points of the GC to the standard grant contact Art. 1 – General obligation Sub-contract and sub-grant Art. 7 - Ownership Equipment, vehicles an supplies transfer Art. 9 – Amendment of the contract Can be modified only during execution period Method of amendment Limitation of the amendment

EU - China 17 Important points of the GC to the standard grant contact Art. 14 – Eligible costs -Incurred during the implementation (with the exception of costs relating to final report, expenditure verification and evaluation) -Indicated in the budget -Identifiable and verifiable, recorded in the accounting record of the Beneficiary -Reasonable, justified and comply with the requirement of sound financial management -Cost of staff normally borne by the B. or its partners -Ceiling of flat-rate reimbursement of subsistence

EU - China 18 Important points of the GC to the standard grant contact Art. 15 – Payment - Option 2 -Report of verification Art. 16 – Account and technical and financial checks -External audit launched by EC -Verification by EC or other EU institutions Art. 17 – final amount of financing by the CA - Total amount not exceed the maximum grant, neither in terms of absolute amount nor in percentage

EU - China 19 -Grant can under no circumstances result in a profit itself -The amount required is to balance income and expenditure Note: revenue generated should be used to balance income and expenditure for the action

EU - China 20 Important points of the Annex IV to the standard grant contact Art. 1. – General principles Most economically advantageous tender Incompliance lead to ineligible cost EC ex post check Art and Art The nationality rule and the rule of origin Art exclusion from award of contracts (conflict of interest)

EU - China 21 Important points of the Budget table -Taking reference of the footnotes when preparing budget table -Duly complete the budget justification -1 consolidated budget table needed (no split for each and very partner)

EU - China Recommendations 2.1. Make sure you read all the documents 2.2. Make sure you understand the rules 2.3. Avoid the avoidable

EU - China Questions ??? Deadline to ask questions to the mailbox 16 November 2011