China’s Geography.


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Presentation transcript:

China’s Geography

Regions Six Regions of China The Heartland Outlying Regions 1. North 2. South Outlying Regions 3. Northeast 4. Mongolia 5. Xinjiang (sheen jee ahng) 6. Xizang (shee dzahng)

China Physical

The Heartland Northern and Southern China have developed very differently. North China has warm summers and cold winters. Rain is unpredictable Industrial cities of Beijing and Tianjin are in the North Southern China has rich farm land and a more advanced industry base. Rice, cotton, tea, and various vegetables.

South China

North China

Outlying Regions Northeast China was known as Manchuria. The region has many resources including oil, iron, coal, aluminum and zinc. Mongolia and the Gobi desert have extreme climates making it difficult to live. Xinjiang is home to many non-Chinese peoples including Muslim Uighurs, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz. Oil rich region Xizang is also Tibet. Barren and treeless but some farming in the valleys.

Left-Xinjiang Right-Xizang

Rivers 3 Major Rivers Huang He (Yellow River)– Runs across northern China and empties into the Yellow Sea. The yellow-brown soil (loess) gives it its color. The Loess is very fertile. It is nicknamed “The River of Sorrow” because it often floods. (Leaves behind a fertile layer of silt when the flood dries) Chang (Yangzi)– An important river for trade, the Chang empties into the East China Sea at the city of Shanghai (3 gorges dam=1 million people) Xi River (The West River)—Flows through South China. Many live along this river.

Yellow River (Huang He)

Yangzi (Chang)

Coastal Plains A. Extend along coast of the South and East China Seas B. Just above Sea Level C. Fertile land; Warm, wet climate D. 90 % of China’s people live here

Mountains cover 1/3 of China 1. Himalayas on border -Tibet & Nepal 2. Mt. Everest 3. Smaller mountain ranges include: Qilian Shan, Qin Ling & Kunlun

Deserts 1. Taklimakan Desert: raindrops evaporate before reaching the ground. (Sandstorms) 2. Gobi Desert: one of world’s largest; extreme temperatures from 45 C to minus 40 C, mostly rock and gravel

China Elevation

Isolation 1. Long distances and physical barriers isolated China, blocked cultural diffusion 2. Protected China from invasion 3. Isolation contributed to the Chinese belief that China was the center of the earth and the only civilization.