Hundreds TensOnes Thousands
How Many? HundredsTensOnes
How Many? HundredsTensOnes
How Many? Hundreds TensOnes
How Many ? Hundreds TensOnes
How Many? HundredsTensOnes
How Many? HundredsTensOnes
Hundreds TensOnesThousands ,243
Hundreds TensOnesThousands ,325
100 pennies 10 pennies 1 penny
How Many Pennies? HundredsTensOnes
How Many Pennies? HundredsTensOnes
Writing Numbers In Words When writing numbers in words you write exactly what you say: Four hundred nine million, three hundred twenty thousand, one hundred ninety-nine
Which number is the WORD NAME for 612? seven hundred twelve six hundred twenty-one six hundred twelve six hundred thirteen
Which number is the word name for 1,423? One thousand four hundred thirty three One thousand three hundred forty three One thousand two hundred thirty two One thousand four hundred twenty three
When numbers are presented in numerical digits, it is called the standard form of a number Standard Form
Which number shows four hundred ninety-seven in STANDARD form?
Which number shows three thousand six hundred eighty two in standard form? 3, 862 6,382 3, 682 3, 286
Numbers can also be represented in expanded form. This means writing the value of a number using the face value and place value of each digit. The number 4856 in expanded form is: Method a) Method b) 4 x x x x 1
What is the EXPANDED form of? 4,367 4,
What is the expanded form of? 56,803 50, ,