CSDC Campaign Proposal Amanda Gianni Brittany Flippo Alaina Nunn
Background Information Asked to create a public relations program for the Counseling and Student Development Center Moving locations Can't hold more students Want to focus on non-traditional students
SWOT Analysis Strengths -Strong client base -No competition -Perceived positively by students -Services perceived as necessary -Competent staff Weaknesses - Only 12% of students know what the CSDC is - Majority of JMU students don’t know the CSDC has a website or find it unhelpful - Restricted by it’s small staff Opportunities -Utilize the move to rebrand as CSDC -Improve online resources and increase awareness of this -Create faculty and residence advisor training sessions -Promote CSDC to non-traditional, specifically international, students Threats -Changing location -Limited funds -Main external communication is through word of mouth and foot traffic
Audience Analysis
Total of enrolled students in Fall 2012: 19,927 In-State: 72% Out-of-State: 28% Male: 40% Female: 60% Resident Advisors: 200 International Students: 359 Faculty: 1,274
Goal: Heighten awareness Objective 1: To have 85% of JMU’s population know what services the CSDC provides and where it is located by the end of the 2014 Fall semester
Goal: Communicate the move and rebrand CSDC Objective 1: To have 85% of JMU’s population know the CSDC’s new location and recognize it as CSDC, not Varner House
Goal: Improve CSDC’s online presence Objective 1: To increase traffic to the CSDC’s website by 25% by the end of the 2014 Fall semester Objective 2: To have 500 views on each new self-help video we create by the end of the 2014 Fall semester
Goal: Engage JMU faculty Objective 1: To have the faculty and residence advisors attend training sessions through departmental outreach meetings by the end of FROG week 2014
Goal: Engage non-traditional students Objective: To have 25% more non- traditional and international students engaged with CSDC by the end of the 2014 Fall semester
Strategy: Audience Participation Tactic 1: Create an online presence
Strategy: Publicity Tactic 1: Press Release Tactic 2: Interview Tactic 3: Print Media Ads
Strategy: Special Events Tactic 1: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Strategy: Activism Tactic 1: Flyers in International dorms Tactic 2: Train faculty and residence advisors
Calendar Fall 2014 Semester September 8: Publish interview in The Breeze September 6: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony September 3: New website goes live September 2: Send press release to The Breeze September 1: Facebook and Twitter pages go live August 23: Finalize self-help videos August 21: Place flyers in International dorms August 20: Freshman Move-In August 15-19: Faculty and RA staff training
Estimated funds available for this campaign, according to CSDC: $2,000 to $3,000 Estimated cost of ABA PR’s campaign: $1,500 WhatWhoCost Tactic 1: Improve Website (Add/create info, videos, answer student messages) CSDC staff Student Interns 1-3 hours $25.00/hour (CSDC staff) Interns-no cost (save $7.25/hour) Tactic 2: Social Media (Manage/monitor CSDC Facebook and Twitter accounts) Student Interns2-5 hours/week No cost; save $7.25/hour Tactic 3: Press Release to Breeze ABA Firm/Student Intern1 hour No cost Save $7.25/hour Tactic 4: Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony at Montpelier Hall CSDC Staff and invited guests Three-hour event (include setup and cleanup) $400 (food, drinks, utensils, banner, ribbon, invitations).
Evaluation ObjectiveMeasurement To have 85% of JMU’s population know what services the CSDC provides and where it is located by the end of the fall semester of 2013 Qualtrics post-campaign survey Judgemental assessment of CSDC staff Faculty and student references to CSDC Traffic to CSDC's new location in Montpeiler Hall To increase traffic to their website by 25% by the end of the fall semester of 2013 Google analytics: Website hits To have 500 views on each new self-help video we create by the end of the fall semester of 2013 Google analytics: Video views T0 have the faculty and resident advisors attend training sessions through departmental outreach meetings by the end of FROG week 2013 Attendance/participation of faculty and resident advisors at training sessions and meetings. To have 25% more non-traditional and international students engaged with CSDC by the end of the fall semester of 2013 Qualtrics post-campaign survey Judgemental assessment of CSDC staff Increase of international students visiting CSDC