© Listen2Youth, Inc. Using Teens to Launch an Engagement Marketing Campaign A Case Study Presented by Jennifer Carole
Our client wanted to do something meaningful Business Objective: Use engagement marketing to identify new leads Create a website based on a blend of user generated and original content Expand to include social media Leverage traffic to increase brand awareness Support corporate initiative: Benefit a Cause
Why would a consumer care? Hedonism – what’s in it for me? (I can build my personal brand)
Why would a consumer care? Altruism – what’s in it for them? (I support this Cause)
Why would a consumer care? Curiosity – what is it? (I like new stuff)
Business Challenges Site testing User generated content to prime the pump Take it viral – around the world Our client needed a way to get things started that would help them launch successfully.
The Listen2Youth panel comes to the rescue… Panel’s Purpose To understand the teenage and young adult user experience across all technologies and devices as they connect with the brands and people they care about. Panel Profile 70+ Members 20 Countries 82 Service Providers 250+ Devices This is a long-term commitment We have followed some of our members for more than three years. 7 | © Listen2Youth, Inc.
What the teens are good at… Being honest The tell us exactly what they think Working with something that doesn’t initially make sense They are techno-explorers Identifying opportunities They see natural relationships among things and point out possible synergies and improvements Participating They will jump-in, feet first and sign-up, share, etc. Doing what we ask They are still highly motivated by money
How we used the panel… Tested the site We asked the panel members to put the site through testing: They had to use it We had them get five friends to use it They had to interview their friends to collect data We aggregated the data, prioritized it and fed it to the design team
How we used the panel… Created user generated content We had the kids populate three pieces of original content We had them ask five friends contribute three pieces of original content Each panel member had to comment on three piece of contributed content (to stimulate ratings and comments)
How we used the panel… Jump-started viral activity Asked panel members and their friends to join the Facebook group Had panel members subscribe to the YouTube channel Encouraged panel members to tweet about their user generated content (share their content with others to drive traffic back to the site) Had panel members subscribe to the blog page to increase our numbers
The process delivered unexpected benefits Brand testing Nearly all the panel members were able to identify the brand behind the website Most of the teens were unaware of the brand About half wanted to know if the brand had something to offer them as consumers Messaging testing A small group was able to identify offers layered into the site design Most panelists saw value in the website that we had not captured in initial messaging
The process delivered unexpected benefits Cause marketing 90% of the teens supported this kind of effort Nearly all the teens support the Cause we partnered with More than half wanted more information about the Cause Content for initial PR We got new content from their feedback that allowed us to adjust messaging to incorporate the user experience We used the data from Cause marketing as “factoids” during press interviews We had a nice pool of quotes that we used for press discussions
Our advice to jump start your engagement marketing… Don’t be afraid to use a panel to help you test (teen, proprietary, etc.) Expand testing – be sure to include content creation Soft launch before public launch – at least two weeks Choose a few social media tools – a blog is very important Think PR all the time – ask the panel to answer some key questions as part of the exercise Look for unexpected benefits
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