THE SONGS OF SLAVERY AND SORROW During the 18 th and 19 th centuries a few millions to 100,000,000 of African people became slaves and went to America. At this point in the African slaves lives became a nightmare. Many of them died on the long journey by sailing ship. For the few that survived they were auction off and brought the farms to work. Often families were split up. Children taken from parents and husbands take for wives. The life as a was cruel and horrible.
What they did on the farm Amongst the black slaves, skilled craftsmen such as carpenters or sugar boilers ranked above ordinary field slaves. So that means that so slaves used to be treated better then some others. The supervisors also known as drivers used to keep an eye on the men and women slaves and to keep them hard at work. If they were not working hard enough they will be whip if necessary.
What instruments they used African music is known for it rhythms and beats. The most popular instruments used or played is the drums in the band. When they stamped in time with the music they would jingle. The jangling created an off beat rhythm. Jawbone became scrapers when the teeth were scraped with keys or metal objects. The slaves also made string instruments. The most popular was the fiddle which was played with a curved bow.
12 BAR BLUES SCALE The 3 primary chord are C,F and G. Arpeggio chord also called a broken chord each note is played one after the other. The easiest way to find the two black notes “C” on the keyboard on the left. Melody line: C = C,E,G,A F = F,A,C,D G = G,B,D,E C3 is the middle C on keyboard! GG C3 G D 3 NOTE REST 1,2 D# REST 1-8 C3D
12 BAR BLUES SCALE 2 SCALE, C3 and C4 are an octave apart. C3C4A#GF#FD# The keyboard that you how look at if you was to play all of the chords:
PERSONAL PROFILE Musical impact: Blues musical styles, forms (12-bar blues), melodies, and the blues scale have influenced many other genres of music, such as rock and roll, jazz, and popular music. Prominent jazz, folk or rock performers, such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Bob Dylan have performed significant blues recordings. Louis Armstrong: (August 4, 1901 – July 6, 1971), nicknamed Satchmo or Pops, was an American jazz trumpeter, singer, and an influential figure in jazz music.