Coordinators' day on FP7 Project Negotiation Description Of Work Annex I Griet Van Caenegem DG CNECT R5 Programme Operations May 28, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Coordinators' day on FP7 Project Negotiation Description Of Work Annex I Griet Van Caenegem DG CNECT R5 Programme Operations May 28, 2013

OVERVIEW Invitation to a negotiation meeting Negotiating Annex I / DOW Overview Part B Part A Workplan tables NEF

Invitation to a Negotiation Meeting Negotiating Project Officer Meeting with the coordinator and the representatives of the consortium in Brussels Costs of attending negotiation meetings (normally 1 meeting) are not covered PURPOSE : To clarify financial and legal issues To agree on the final content of the DoW (AnnexI to GA)

Negotiation Meeting First version of GPFs and Description of Work must be sent in due time before the meeting Negotiations should be conducted in respect of the proposal that is submitted - The negotiated project should be close to the proposal that was positively evaluated

Negotiation Meeting : Roles Role of the Project Officer ( supported by gestion.) Single interface with the proposers (except for issues concerning status and validation of organisations, which is done by the LEAR through the participant portal) Plans and conducts the negotiations Ensures that proper records are kept Ensures that the negotiations are completed in time Role of the proposal co-ordinator Leads the negotiations on the proposers’ side Ensures that the consortium is informed and in agreement with the decisions taken Ensures proper consortium representation at the negotiation meeting(s)

Negotiation of Annex I : overview The Description of Work (DoW) is Annex I to the Grant Agreement The DoW is based on Part B of the proposal and follows the same layout and is similar for all funding schemes Templates of Description of Work are available in the Negotiation Guidance Notes – (see link in the invitation to a nego meeting; also participant portal/ documents / guidance docs for FP7/ negotioations and amendments / template for description of work)

Negotiation of Annex I Technical negotiations To agree on the final content of the DoW incl : Addressing the comments made in the ESR and the negotiation mandate Further adjustments/ improvements ( requested by the PO) to the workplan in order to facilitate the project monitoring e,g, Clarification on tasks where relevant Clarifications on deliverables (timing, content and dissemination level) Clarifications on Milestones and their assessment criteria Setting the indicative time schedule for the project reviews Clarifications on the Budget breakdown

Negotiation of Annex I : NEF PART A A.1 Project summary A.2 List of beneficiaries A.3 Overall budget breakdown for the project Workplan Tables WT1 List of work packages WT2 List of Deliverables WT3 Work packages descriptions WT4 List and Schedule of Milestones WT5 Tentative schedule of Project Reviews WT6 Project Effort by Beneficiary and Work Package WT7 Project Effort by Activity type per Beneficiary WT8 Project Effort and What it costs PART B B.1 Concept and objectives,... B.1.1 Concept and project objective(s) B.1.2 Progress beyond the state of the art B.1.3 S/T methodology and associated work plan B Overall strategy and general description B Timing of work packages B.2 Implementation B.2.1 Management structure and procedures B.2.2 Beneficiaries B.2.3 Consortium as a whole B.2.4 Resources to be committed B3. Potential impact B.3.1 Strategic impact B.3.2 Plan for the use and dissemination of... B.4 Ethical issues (if applicable) B.5 Consideration of gender aspects (optional) Cover page + = DoW Generated by NEF based on input by coordinator Created by the coordinator and uploaded in NEF NEF will merge the two components into a single file

Negotiation of Annex I Work Packages Major sub-division of the project: Precise, clear & quantified description of tasks With a verifiable end-point: - deliverable - milestone Clear roles for each participant

Negotiation of Annex I Work Packages Type of activity RTD = RTD/Innovation DEM = Demonstration OTHER = Other activities (not for STREPs) MGT = Management (Coordination / Support) Good practice not to mix activity types in one WP Justify properly the activities under MGT and OTHER

Negotiation of Annex I Deliverables Each significant project element should conclude with a deliverable which is the concrete output and evidence of the work. Deliverables should be: Limited in number - manageable Specific Clear and verifiable Quality controlled Sent to the Commission for review and appraisal Possibly delivered close to project reviews A reasonable number of public deliverables, suitable for publication, should be foreseen

Negotiation of Annex I Deliverables Nature of deliverables PU = Public (PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including EC)) (RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including EC)) CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EC)

Negotiation of Annex I Milestones Points in time where major results have been achieved as a basis for the next phase of work, or control points at which decisions are needed

Negotiation of Annex I : recurring issues B2.2 Beneficiaries Short profile/CV of the personnel who will be undertaking the work (update from the proposal !) B2.3 Consortium as a whole If relevant provide description of Sub-contracting Third parties B2.4 Resources to be committed (may require more detail than provided in the proposal ) a description of the resources which are needed to carry out the project (personnel, indirect costs, equipment, etc. for each of the beneficiaries).

WT1 List of work packages

WT3 Work package descriptions

Adding partners to Work Packages

WT3 Work package descriptions Adding deliverables to Work Packages

WT2 List of Deliverables

WT3 Work package descriptions Adding milestones to Work Packages Select an existing milestone Add a new Milestone

WT4 List of Milestones

NEF Work Packages Narrative part B

Negotiating an Annex I : Reports Compulsory Reports (not to be included as deliverables)  Periodic reports after each period (60 days) -Publishable summary -Objectives, progress, achievements -For each WP: progress, results, deviations, use of resources -Project management, deliverables and milestones -Overall use of resources -Financial statements  Final report -Final publishable summary report -D3: special template for Final Publishable Summary Report -A final plan for the use and dissemination of foreground -Report on societal implications (including gender and science & society related issues) templates availabe in reporting guidelines: participant portal

Negotiating an Annex I Project Effort Tables Automatically generated by NEF WT6 Project Effort by Beneficiary and Work Package WT7 Project Effort by Activity type per Beneficiary WT8 Project Effort and costs

Working with NEF Workplan Tables NEF WT do not support formatting or graphics PDFs do not allow easy comparisons with previous versions So, you might want to consider Agreeing on DoW (Word) version first Asked to fill NEF WT only after agreement

And now what? IF Agreement on DoW Legal data in order Financial checks and operational capacity OK THEN PO has all elements to complete the negotiation phase ( negotation report ) and to prepare the Grant Agreement

And now what? Negotiation Report approved by ICTC Commission Decision taken Grant Agreement drafted Signed by coordinator Signed by EC GRANT AGREEMENT INTO FORCE
