Weight Management Virginia R. Bruce NBSC CFCS
Calories in One Pound 3,500 makes a pound Boys need 2,500 a day Girls need 2,200 a day Young children need 1,000-1,500 a day depending on age
Calorie Intake for Children Children need calories per day depending on age and activity level.
Activities that Burn High Calories Basketball Football Aerobic dancing Running Wrestling Walking Shopping Bowling
Activities that Burn Low Calories Per Hour Resting quietly,lying down : Sitting quietly: Standing quietly:
To Lose Weight Eat calories less Exercise more to lose faster
To Lose Weight Never go below 1200 calories per day. Count calories, but eat from the food pyramid. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Eat breakfast to raise your metabolism early in the morning Eat smaller portions (less calories)
To Gain Weight Eat calories more per day. Most people do not need to gain. Its is easier to gain than to loose.
Food Pyramid Whether gaining or losing, follow Food Guide Pyramid recommendations on kinds and amounts of foods you should eat daily. Just choose the lower calorie foods. Peach = 35 calories Potato = 100 calories Spinach = 35 calories
Empty Calorie Foods You are basically wasting calories eating these foods because they have little food value except for the energy they give you. Too much energy is stored as fat. Butter or margarine 100 calories per tablespoon. Sour Cream 100 calories per tablespoon Salad Dressing 200 to 400 per ¼ cup Sugar 48 calories per tablespoon Cream Cheese 50 + calories per tablespoon Cokes/Sodas 150 calories per cup (also take calcium from your bones) Bacon 100 calories per two slices Jelly 50 calories per tablespoon Example: baked potato = 100 calories with butter and sour cream = 300 calories
My Weight/Height 1. I weigh____________. 2. I am ________________inches tall. 3. I need to gain or lose __________pounds to be in my correct weight range.