STORIES Research has provided me with great insight into the issue that I have been focusing on. The rates of child abuse and neglect in Arizona are higher than ever, and continue to grow (Arizona Department of Child Safety, 2015). The effects that child abuse and neglect have on a child are detrimental. Not only do children experience physical and emotional trauma from these experiences, but their education is at risk as well. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children found that “the maltreatment in the first five years of life almost triples a child’s likelihood of having multiple physiological, behavioral and academic problems at school”, (as cited by Ward, 2005). Studies have shown that parenting education decreases the occurrence of child abuse and neglect (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2013).
FEEDBACK Design question How might parents learn beneficial information that would improve their parenting skills and provide their children with positive opportunities? Advocacy Focus Statement: Creating awareness of parenting education resources that are available in the community will help parents utilize those resources and gain valuable parenting skills that will positively impact their children’s lives. Action Plan – Use of social media
INDICATORS Through conducting the questionnaires with the parents, I learned that many of the parents are not aware of the opportunities available to them. Parents want to learn information on parenting Discipline Healthy relationships
INDICATORS CONTINUED CC: What are some of the hopes that you have for your children? SB: To be self-sufficient, and independent. CC: How can you help your children accomplish those hopes that you have for them? SB: By performing it first-hand, being a role model for them. CC: What are some of the difficulties that you have had to face as a parent? SB: Raising them alone as a single mother, differentiating discipline and development. CC: Do you think allowing yourself to receive parenting education and support would have a positive effect on your parenting skills? SB: Yes, brainstorming new ideas as a parent can benefit you in areas of feeling uncertain. Relating your role as a parent with others can reassure I am not alone. CC: Do you think that the general population would benefit from receiving the same services? SB: Yes, I believe that there are different parenting techniques that can be useful to those that need it especially teen mothers. CC: What can the community do to make available resources more accessible and known to parents? SB: Publicizing services at preschools and schools. INTERVIEW
INDICATORS CONTINUED Reach out to parents on Facebook and inform them of the learning opportunities that are available to the community. Help parents to help their children accomplish the hopes that they have for them. INSIGHT STATEMENTS Discover parenting education classes that focus on helping parents gain the skills necessary to raise their children in a loving way that motivates them to become capable, responsible, and respectful.
Leadership – Servant Leadership Prioritize the growth and well-being of members in the community Attributes include: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building community LEADERSHIP
OUTCOMES Next steps- keep on advocating Potential challenges- parents reluctant to criticism
REFLECTION What I have gained: Knowledge from research Skills in advocacy & leadership Experience reaching out to parents in the community All beneficial experiences for my future career
REFERENCES Arizona Department of Child Safety. (March, 2015). Child Abuse or Neglect Reports, Substantiation Rate, and Office of Child Welfare Investigations. Retrieved from Child Welfare Information Gateway. (September, 2013). Parent Education to Strengthen Families and Reduce the Risk of Maltreatment. Retrieved from Ward, Lucy. (May 24, 2005). Abuse Affects School Work. The Guardian. Retrieved from
THANK YOU! A special thanks to the instructors for providing me with the resources and tools to assist me in becoming an advocate for my community, in an effort to have a positive effect on the lives and education of countless children.