Does Laboratory Technology Facilitate Students’ Learning In Biology Courses? Ekaterina Zagriadskaia, Ali Ahrabi, Alena Chekmasova, Paloma Valverde Department of Sciences, Wentworth Institute of Technology Introduction The Department of Sciences at the Wentworth Institute of Technology taught a Cell and Molecular Biology course at the new Center for Sciences and Biomedical Engineering for the first time in the Fall This course was initially developed as an introductory biology course for biomedical engineering students, but it is now being offered as a science elective for other programs as well. Topics covered in this course included: cell structure; membranes; chemistry of macromolecules; cell signaling and communication; energy, enzymes and metabolism; cell respiration and photosynthesis; mitosis and meiosis; genes and genetics; DNA replication; overview of gene expression Laboratory Component Lab 1: Lab Safety, Using Micropipettors Lab 2: Using a Compound Light Microscope Lab 3: Macromolecules (proteins)* Lab 4: Cell Structure Lab 5: Diffusion and Osmosis Lab 6: Enzymes I (Lactase lab part I)* Lab 7: Enzymes II (Lactase lab part II)* Lab 8: Cell Respiration* Lab 9: Cell Division and Karyotyping *These labs used Vernier Technology Logger Pro Software Data from all Vernier sensors can be collected and analyzed using the Logger Pro software which can be installed on any computer. Figure below shows analysis of absorbance data obtained by SpectroVis Plus spectrometer. Investigating Enzyme Kinetics with SpectroVis Plus In the two-week Enzymes lab students investigated the enzymatic activity of the enzyme lactase, which converts lactose into glucose and galactose: Using O 2 and CO 2 sensors to study cell respiration In this lab, we compared the rate of cell respiration in germinated vs. non-germinated green peas, and studied the effect of temperature on cell respiration. Materials used: O 2 and CO 2 sensors, LabQuest 2 interface, BioChamber 250, green peas. The setup for this lab is illustrated below. Conclusions Students loved the Vernier labs! We believe that using Vernier technology and software during labs contributed a lot to students’ learning in this course. Based on these encouraging results, Vernier lab products are now implemented in other Science courses offered by our department. These products can be used to teach courses such as Biotechnology, Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, and Physics. Measuring Protein Concentration with Vernier SpectroVis Plus In this lab we introduced spectrometry and Lambert-Beer Law, and how they can be used to determine protein concentration. Protein concentration was established by using Bradford reagent and then measuring samples’ absorbance at 595 nm. A standard curve was created and used to determine protein concentration in three different types of milk. During week one, students prepared lactase solution from Lactaid pills, learned to measure lactase activity using ONPG as a substrate, and found the working concentration of the enzyme. During week two, students investigated the effects of enzyme and substrate concentration, pH, and temperature on the enzymatic activity of lactase. All data was recorded using SpectroVis Plus spectrophotometer and the Logger Pro Software from Vernier Technologies.