Activity 19: Creating New Materials Warm up: What is the chemical formula of this molecule? What is the name of this molecule? Is it ionic or covalent bonding?
Notebook Check Today! I will be checking all notebooks today. Create a new page in your notebook called “Notebook Score.”
Unit B Quest Our Quest will be this Monday! Use the study guide on OneNote and be sure to ask questions if you have them. It is not open notebook and is worth 50 points.
Quest Review Session I am holding a quest review session on Monday of this week during SDL. If you received a 11/15 or below on the quiz, you are REQUIRED to come. If you received higher than an 11/15, it is optional for you.
Activity 19: Creating New Materials Please open your books to page B39.
Activity 19: Creating New Materials In your bin, you have 4 hydrogen atoms, 2 carbon atoms, and 1 oxygen atom, as well as 7 bonds. What type of molecule can you make by using all of the atoms and all of the bonds? This is called vinyl alcohol.
Activity 19: Creating New Materials You have one molecule of vinyl alcohol. Single molecules can be used to build long chains of molecules. With the other two people at your table, create a way to combine your two molecules.
Activity 19: Creating New Materials By connecting our molecules of vinyl alcohol, we have demonstrated a chemical reaction and created a chain called polyvinyl alcohol. Vinyl alcohol is a monomer, which means “one part” Polyvinyl alcohol is a polymer, which means “many parts.”
Activity 19: Creating New Materials In Act. 18, we worked with polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, high-density polyethylene, and polystyrene. Notice anything about their names? – Polypropylene – Polyvinyl chloride – High-density polyethylene – Polystyrene
Activity 19: Creating New Materials All plastics are polymers. The process of linking monomers to create long chains of polymers is called polymerization. – The bonds that link them together are called cross- links.
Activity 19: Creating New Materials Today you are receiving 2 materials (polyvinyl alcohol and sodium borate) and using them to create a new one through polymerization. In your notebook, create a data table for the experiment. It must include 3 columns: – Sodium borate – Polyvinyl alcohol – New polymer
Activity 19: Creating New Materials After you create the 3 columns, what are some properties that may should be tested or observed to best understand chemical reactions, reactants, and products? Read through the procedure to determine what makes the most sense to include in your table. – Hint: there are 6!
Activity 19: Creating New Materials With your lab group, follow the procedure carefully, recording results in your notebook. When you get to the lab stations, read the board for helpful hints!
Activity 19: Creating New Materials The number of cross-links determines the properties of a polymer. Which do you think is harder, a polymer with more cross-links or less cross-links?
Activity 19: Creating New Materials What do you think would happen to the final product if you would have added more sodium borate?
Tonight’s Homework Complete the Activity 19 Homework Sheet in OneNote. SUPER important to our next topic! Be sure to study for the Quest on Friday! Come to the review session on Wednesday if you signed up.