11 Introduction to Academic Registry Dr. Ricky HOU Deputy Registrar August 30, 2012
22 Mission To provide efficient and quality services for all students and staff in the areas of academic regulations, registration, examinations and records, academic and graduation requirements, planning and implementation; To provide supporting services to teaching, learning and research excellence in the College.
3 Structure of AR AR AcademicAffairsSubjectRegistrationExaminationsRegulationsStudentRecords&Registration
44 Student Records & Registration Section Services provided: To maintain and update Student Records To take care of the Student Registration, transcripts, programme transfer, HKBU Summer programme, etc To keep track the students’ status Headed by Ms. Serena MO (acting) Phone No.: Section Office: F301
55 Services provided: To arrange and organize examinations, including internal examinations, CET4/6 and TEM 4/8 Headed by Ms. Rita Yang Phone No.: Section Office: Rm 22, F301 Examinations Section
66 Academic Affairs Section Services provided: To make arrangements for Credit Transfer To assist in organizing the Graduation Audit exercise for Yr-3 and final year students Headed by Ms. Shelley Wan Phone No.: Section Office: Rm 20, F301
777 Subject Registration Section Services provided: To provide the services of subject timetable compiling To organize online course selection and subject Add/Drop for students To handle the application of subject withdrawal Headed by Mr. Sam Lin Phone No.: Section Office: Rm 18, F301
88 Regulations Section Services provided: To provide AR Information Desk services To monitor, check, and update Programme revisions To collect and update course syllabi and issue official copies to students To compile and publish the yearly Undergraduate Handbook To provide classroom booking service Headed by Ms. Shannon Kuang (Acting) Phone No.: Section Office: Rm 18, F301
999 Timetabling Timetabling AR collects teaching assignments to compile the semester course timetable. Teachers can login to the MIS ( to check their subjects’ timetable (schedule and classroom) & download the latest student name list. Classroom: change and booking guidelines will be sent to you in due course.
10 Subject Registration - Course Selection Normally, students are invited to make course selection in July for the Fall Semester and late December for the Spring Semester. The max. class size or other constraints for each subject are provided by the course offering unit.
11 Add/Drop: Each student is allowed to add/drop the subject at the beginning of each semester online. Withdrawal: After the Add/Drop period, students can only withdraw the subject(s) of which they cannot continue the study with sufficient justification. The deadline for withdrawing from a subject will be 4 weeks prior to the examination period of the semester. If approved, a grade of ‘W’ will be given to the student. Grade ‘W’ is NOT included in the grade point average calculation. Subject Registration - Subj. Add/Drop & Subj. Withdrawal
12 Textbooks Teachers are expected to provide all learning materials to students. If students are required to have textbooks for your subject, please provide the textbook information to your Division/Center Office in due course. Students will decide if to buy the textbooks as advised by the subject instructors. They may purchase the textbook in the campus bookshop in SHCV or other bookstores or online book companies.
14 Subject Syllabus Syllabus should be distributed to students at the beginning of each semester. The assessment method should be stated clearly. Any revisions should be approved by the Division Board or Relevant Committees. Inform students about the changes (if any).
15 Regulations on Students Attendance A student who ohas been absent without approval for more than 15% of scheduled classes, or oattended less than 70% of scheduled classes (with approved and unapproved absences) may be penalized as the instructor deems appropriate (e.g., disqualifying the student from the final examination, etc). A student who is more than 15 mins late for a class may be counted as absent. Teachers should report those problem cases to the respective Division Offices in or before the 7 th week of the semester.
16 Policies on Academic Dishonesty The College takes academic dishonesty as very serious misconduct. The College has established guidelines to deal with academic dishonesty. AR will send the related papers to teachers in due course.
17 Final Exams: 23 Dec Jan 2013 Make-up & Suppl. Exams: Jan 2013 Critical Dates for examinations arrangement and related documents will be sent to teachers in due course. Examinations
18 Grading System The Grade Point Average (GPA) is an important indicator of the academic standing of every student.
19 Common Letter Grades Used Letter Grade Academic Performance Grade Point Per Unit AExcellent4.00 A-3.70 B+Good 3.30 B 3.00 B C+Satisfactory 2.30 C 2.00 C DMarginal Pass 1.00 EConditional Pass 0.00 FFail 0.00 Grading System (con’t)
20 Common Letter Grades Used Letter Grade Academic Performance Grade Point Per Unit IIncomplete NA WWithdrawn NA YRYear Grade NA NRNot Yet ReportedNA PR Project to be Resubmitted NA Grading System (con’t)
21 Grading System (con’t) Binary Grades 1. S (Satisfactory) & U (Unsatisfactory) 2. Subjects applicable: WPE Modules (cohort before 2009), ELC NCB subjects (Effective Written Communication, Effective Oral Communication ) (cohort before 2009), some Internship courses (more than 50% Assessment Weighting given by external third party, e.g. TESL Internship)
22 Changes on Grading System (WPE Modules, some ELC subjects) WPE ModulesSome ELC subjects (Note 2) cohort S or U (not included in GPA Calculation) S or U (not included in GPA Calculation) 2009 cohortLetter Grade (not included in GPA Calculation) Letter Grade (included in GPA Calculation) Note: 1. Repeat students will follow the above regulations according to their year of admission. 2. A label of “NCB” has been added after the subject titles offered to cohort.
23 Supplementary Exams Applicable to a student who fails a subject but with a score no less than 30% in the Final Examination. With mark “ FS ” Be capped at “ D ”
24 Reminder on Grade Release The Academic Registry will release grades to all the students upon the Senate's approval. Any staff, including subject instructors should NOT release any grades to students privately.
25 Grade Appeal If students do not agree with any subject- based assessment including exam grades, they can make an appeal during the designated period of that semester. Two stages of Grade Appeal: Stage 1 & 2 Office of Course offering unit will contact teachers involved for double-checking.
26 Academic Awards For full-time undergraduate students, First Class Award Second Class Award Prof. Herbert Tsang Scholarship Mr. FUNG Sun Kwan Scholarship Prof. XU Jialu WPE Award Full Entrance Scholarship (for Mainland students) Entrance Scholarship (for non-mainland students)
27 Academic Problems Academic Warning: Applicable to students with a GPA between 1.70 and 1.99 for a given semester. Academic Probation: Applicable to students with a GPA below 1.70 for a given semester. Academic Dismissal: As required by the Senate when a student’s GPA is below 1.70 for two consecutive semesters, or on other academic grounds.
28 Honours Classifications Honours Classifications cGPA 1.First Class Second Class (Division I) Second Class (Division II) Third Class Pass * The cGPAs cited above are indicative, the final decision should be made by the Senate.
29 Summary Time FrameMajor Events 1 st WeekTeachers to give the syllabus to students 1 st WeekSubjects Add/Drop begin; student list may change. In or before 7 th WeekTeachers to report the excessively absent students to Division 8 th WeekTeachers to prepare the exam Question Papers 10 th WeekDeadline of Subject Withdrawal 16 th to 17 th WeekFinal Examinations 21 st WeekFinal approval and release of grade results
30 Useful Information AR Website: herehere Notice Academic Calendar Undergraduate Handbook & Study Plan Academic Affairs Download area for staff/students Facts and Figures
31 Contact us Office: F301, UIC Campus Hotline: (86) Fax: (86)