Exchange semester At the GJU-Amman & Madaba (German Jordanian University)
Where is Jordan located
The 2 different locations of the GJU MadabaAmman
School of Natural Resources Engineering and Management Elevated Water Tank Information Systems and Technology Center School of Logistics and Management Sciences Permanent Campus: Mixed-use Building Administrative Departments
GJU facts that make it outstanding The GJU is the only University of Applied Sciences in the Middle East
The Bord Network of GJU The GJU has a network of more than 100 partner universities in Germany 1.Germany wide network of German partner Universities of Applied Sciences 2.German Professors and Lecturers at GJU 3.Language of instruction is English; 4.German language is compulsory for all study programs 5.All students spend 1 year in Germany: 1 study semester + 1 semester practical (internship) both in Jordan and in Germany
Method of teaching is directed towards applied training and market and industry needs in both Bachelor and Master program
Schools and Academic Programs 8 9 Schools, 27 Degree programs 9 Schools, 27 Degree programs
Different majors offered Business and Management Logistical sciences International Accounting Architecture Mechatronics Engineering
Logistics at GJU Accounting Management School requisites (Statistics, Math for Business, Economics, Operations) Logistics Core logistics courses
Reverse and green Logistics Inventory Design and management Warehousing Design and management Transportation Design and management International logistics Supply chain Management Introduction to logistics
The exchange programs A total of 271 students came from Germany so far, from 64 different universities. This spring: 17 German students came from 15 different universities
living costs Rent: per month
Transportation Taxi (15cents/Km) Public Buss (0.35, 0.40, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90 cents/trip) Public Long distance buss(2-9 euro/trip)
Groceries are relatively cheep
Jordanian landscape, 12 cities What's unique about Jordan is that it consists out of civil cities and each city has its different climate and landscape Green irbid Desert mafraq Jordan Valy Tropic atmosphere City Amman Madaba Aqaba ACT
Weather in Jordan