Understand Team Members' Styles and Strengths Yung-Hsiang Lu 1
Pick Five Words To Describe You (Pause the video for 2 minutes) 2 Analytical Emotional MusicalSpiritual Artistic Expressive OrganizeStable Break Rules Factual PlanSupport Calculator Feel PracticalSurprise Careful How Problem SolverSympathy Communicate Imaginative PunctualTake Risks Conceptual Innovate PuzzleTeach People Consistent Interpersonal QuantitativeTechnical Control Logical RationalUnderstand Creative Manage ReliableVisual Critical Match Making SensoryWhat Curious Mathematical SequentialWho Detail Metaphoric SharingWhy
Classify the Words 3 Analytical Emotional MusicalSpiritual Artistic Expressive OrganizeStable Break Rules Factual PlanSupport Calculator Feel PracticalSurprise Careful How Problem SolverSympathy Communicate Imaginative PunctualTake Risks Conceptual Innovate PuzzleTeach People Consistent Interpersonal QuantitativeTechnical Control Logical RationalUnderstand Creative Manage ReliableVisual Critical Match Making SensoryWhat Curious Mathematical SequentialWho Detail Metaphoric SharingWhy
What is Your Style? 4 Logic Manage Feelings Imagine This is called the "Whole Brain Thinking".
Why Are Styles Important? If every member in a team is "creative" and nobody cares about management, the team will definitely fail they will miss deadlines, over spend, ignore customers' needs... If every member is a manager, they care about budget, deadline, reliability... but their solutions would not be creative nor logical... A successful team needs to have different styles of talents. A successful leader needs to know members' styles and assign appropriate tasks. 5
Importance of Diverse Talents A successful team needs diverse talents. An orchestra needs violin, viola, cello, base, brass, woodwind, piano, conductor... A baseball team needs pitcher, catcher, base, fielders, coach... An airline needs pilots, flight attendants, gate agents, mechanics, schedulers... 6
Your team can be better if the members have different expertise. 7
What Can You Do? You need to understand the differences of the members in your team Sometimes, miscommunication occurs because people value and focus on different things If you are a leader, you need to know the styles of your team members and assign the right tasks to the right persons. You should know people "outside your circle" different majors, schools, countries,... 8