ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING PROJECT CLUSTER MEETING AM for Metal Parts Fundació CIM C/Llorens i Artigas, 12 Parc Tecnològic de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain 2 May 2016 Oliver Barrowclough, Tor Dokken and Vibeke Skytt SINTEF ICT, Oslo Norway Presenting CAxMan,
CAxMan The objectives of Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing (CAxMan) are to establish Cloud based Toolboxes, Workflows and a One Stop- Shop for CAx-technologies supporting the design, simulation and process planning for Additive Manufacturing. Use case: Injection moulds cooling system Use case: Special gear boxes
Exploitable results (ERs) CAxMan ER 1 A Cloud Portal in form of a marketplace for Cloud applications and services addressing the design, analysis and production chain for Additive Manufacturing. ER2 An ecosystem of algorithmic toolkits for Additive Manufacturing will be established during the life time of the project. ER3 Extensions of ISO (STEP) Part 242 edition 2, and to ISO/ASTM52915 addressing additive manufacture.
ER-1: CAxMan Type of result and the innovation A set of Cloud based applications, services and workflows. Addressing design, analysis and production chain for Additive Manufacturing Potential customers SME and midcaps in product development and manufacturing exploiting the opportunities of additive manufacturing. Customer Benefits Support the potential of AM already at the design stage Allowing the user to use less material by adding cavities and voids and more appropriate support Taking thermal stresses and deformations into consideration
ER-1: CAxMan Technological Readiness Level The technological readiness level will vary between the different applications, services and workflows between 5 and 7. Milestones in the TRL progression up to TRL9 We expect this infrastructure to be ready by the end of For CAxMan a first milestone will be in mid 2017 to decide if we join force with the fp7 CloudFlow Competence Centre and its commercialization Main technical challenges in this result Volumetric shape representation of multi-material, voids and inner structures. Thermal simulation of the production process and design of material lean support structures Time to market (Mth/yr): M9/2018.
ER-1: CAxMan IPRs Have you protected or will you protect this result before disclosing it? Yes How? Copyright will protect the Software. There are potential results that can be protected by patents. When? Software marked with Copyright Patents if deemed necessary by the Exploiting Partner
ER 2 CAxMan Type of result and the innovation Software libraries available under Open Source licenses (as well as commercial licenses). Pre-existing libraries will be augmented by foreground targeting Additive Manufacturing Potential customers The users of the Open Source licenses are RTD and industry testing out ideas. The commercial licensed software will be for software vendors addressing different aspects of Additive Manufacturing. Customer Benefits New well-tested and documented algorithms speeding up the development of new software solutions for Additive Manufacturing.
ER 2 CAxMan Technological Readiness Level As with the Cloud Applications, Services and Workflows the TRL level will vary. Some components will be experimental, reach only level five, while other components will be thoroughly tested and used, and reach higher levels. Milestones in the TRL progression up to TRL9 We will at regular intervals release new versions of the existing, and possible new algorithmic libraries that we feel are read for the use by others. Main technical challenges in this result The technical challenges relates to new approaches for volumetric shape representation encompassing the opportunities of additive manufacturing such as multi-material, voids and fine grained inner structures. Other challenges relates to thermal simulation of the production process and design of material lean support structures that reduce the number of failed objects. Time to market (Mth/yr): 6/17 Many of the libraries are already visible on the Internet, but not tagged as addressing the challenges of Additive Manufacturing. When the different libraries include sufficient new algorithms targeting AM they will be tagged as such
ER 2 CAxMan IPRs Have you protected or will you protect this result before disclosing it? Yes How? Copyright will protect the Software. When? On release
ER 3 CAxMan Type of result and the resulting innovation Extensions of ISO (STEP) Part 242 edition 2, and to ISO/ASTM52915 addressing additive manufacture Potential customers The software industry addressing CAx for additive manufacturing, as well as the users of such software in engineering and manufacturing Customer Benefits Standardization the representations needed for efficient analysis based design of products for additive manufacturing, and the product life time management of such products
ER 3 CAxMan Technological Readiness Level The TRL will be adapted to the TRL of standards Milestones in the TRL progression up to TRL9 Millstones have to follow the millstones of the ongoing work on the standards. Main technical challenges in this result Proper descriptions of the technology and representations to follow the language of standardization. Time to market (Mth/yr): First ballot end 2016
ER 3 CAxMan IPRs Have you protected or will you protect this result before disclosing it? Standards are as far as we know open and should not be IPR-protected. How? N/A When? N/A
Expressions of Interest CAxMan is interested in complementary software tools that can augment the suit of the Cloud based design, simulation and project planning applications, services and workflows of CAxMan. We intend together with the core partners of fp7 IP CloudFlow (July ) to apply for an Innovation Project in the FoF I4MS call closing January The proposal will build on the results of CloudFlow and CAxMan. The project will be composed of experiments within design and simulation for additive manufacturing. The concept of I4MS is to combine a core project with open calls for new experiment (and partners). This expression of interest is not just related to CAxMan but also the upcoming proposal for the I4MS 3 Call.
Expressions of Interest Initial list of Medium and High Interest from CAxMan MetalsPolymersGeneric M3-US-NIU - ER1 - MediumPB2-SA-POLYAM – ER1 - MediumGT3-SA-NDTLBM – ER1- Medium M9-EU-AMAZE – ER1 - MediumPB3-EU-RAPIDOS – ER2 - MediumGT5-SA-DESIGN – ER2- Medium M12-EU-BOREALIS – ER1 - MediumPB4-EU-ToMAX – ER3 - HighGT5-SA-SAND – ER1- Medium M13-EU-AATID – ER2- MediumGT7-MX-CIATEQ – ER1 - Medium GT8-MX-UASLP – ER1 – Medium – ER2 – High GT11-EU-FOFAM – ER1 – High – ER3 – Medium (already established relations) GT12-EU-MANSYS – ER2 – Medium – ER3 - High