Interviewing Essential Question: How can I increase my chances of having a successful interview?
Practice Makes Perfect - job interview- phone screen -body language- feedback -hygiene- credentials vocabulary
Preparing for the… -Know the Date, Time & Location -Prepare for a Phone Screen -Research the Employer -Prepare Answers to Interview Questions -Anticipate Difficult Questions -Focus on the Positive Interview
Do -Show examples of past achievements -Show that you have done your research -Be positive, confident, truthful Don’t -Criticize or blame others -Make excuses -Talk about personal life -Talk about likes & dislikes -Talk about negative past Examples: Imagine that you are applying for a job at a clothing store. -What are your career goals? - What are your greatest strengths? -Why do you think you are right for the job?
STAR Method Interviewers often ask job applicants to discuss a post challenge, conflict, or decision. Situation or Task- Detail a specific situation and the challenge you faced. Action- Explain the specific actions you took to meet that challenge. Results- Describe the positive outcome that resulted from your actions.
Succeeding in the Interview -Make sure you are well-groomed, with trimmed nails, clean teeth, and neat hair. -If you are male & do not wear a beard/moustache, shave that is overgrown. -If you wear makeup, wear very little. -Bathe; use deodorant. -Wear little/no cologne, aftershave or perfume.
Speak for Success -Speak clearly at a moderate pace. Speak loudly enough to be heard- don’t mumble. -Make only positive, honest comments about your teachers or former employers. -Listen attentively, and give concise, honest answers.
-If you do not understand a question, ask the interviewer to explain it. -Stay calm and do not get defensive. Many interviewers require you to “think on your feet,” so always expect the unexpected. -Make eye contact with your interviewer or interviewers, and react calmly and carefully.
Ask Your Own ?’s -What is a typical day like in the job? -What are the key skills needed for success in this job? -What is the potential for growth in this position? -Many companies in your industry target small businesses as new customers. Are you also targeting small businesses?
Follow Up… -Evaluate the Interview -Send a Than-You Note -Dealing with Acceptance or Rejection - Accepting an Offer - Declining an Offer - Handling Rejection After the Interview
Assessment 1)Find each of the vocabulary terms in a dictionary- record it’s definition & use each in a sentence. 2)List 5 ways to prepare for a job interview. 3)Summarize guidelines for interview dress. 4)Explain how researching a company would help you decide if a job there is right for you.
Create a Presentation On Tuesday, you will be asked to give a 60-second speak or “commercial” that sells you as an interviewee. -You may want to talk about your skills, experience, personal qualities and career goals.