My mom was born in 1979 and my dad was also they are both 34 years old. They never married and my mom is married and my dad has a girl friend who is pregnant with my little sister Ella. My mom is the manager of Papa Johns and my da has his own Landscaping company. I’m not sure where my step dad works. We are all excited for the Arrival of little baby Ella. Most of my moms family lives in Tennessee and most of my dads side Lives in either Tennessee or Michigan.
My Pets I have four pets two dogs and two cats. My big dog is Bear he is a mutt a mix between a Bulldog, a Black lab and an Australian shepherd. He is one and already weighs more than me he is also up to my waist. My second dog Montana is a Miniature Pinscher he is six years old and weighs 13 pounds. My cat is Cat In The Hat he is also six and also weighs 13 pounds he is an American Curl cat. My other cat is Sammy short for Sam I am she is about two years old and weighs about 5 pounds she is a Bombay cat. I love all of my pets equally and they love me too.
My Pet Pictures
My Favorites My favorite type of ice cream is chocolate preferably from Kilwins. My favorite TV show is Girl Meets World. I absolutely love the ocean I’m also obsessed with sharks. Ever since I found out that this was a job I always wanted to be a Marine Biologist. My favorite book is the Hunger Games series. My favirote movie is soul surfer and Hunger Games.
School I like all off my teachers my favorite class is Technology. After school Monday through Thursday I do football manager. I love Science and math. I only had one bad teacher and that was in second grade. I was in challenge 1 st grade to 5 th grade. My favorite thing to learn about is the ocean and it’s creatures. If I could create my own class I would create a cooking class.
What I want to be I want to be a Marine Biologist when I grow up. Another possible job is a Shark Biologist. I have never missed a shark week ever since I heard abut it. My dad told me my aunt was the same way and she became a lawyer but I’m not planning on that. I plan on going to a college on the beach.
Quiz time What will my sister’s name be? Ella How long have I been in challenge? Since 1 st to 5 th grade What are my pets names? Bear Montana Sammy Cat In The Hat