Nouns Cornell Notes Set-up notes on page 9 of your Interactive Notebook. Get out your team mat.
Continuous RallyTable J. Naccio 2007 Students take turns writing with their shoulder partner using 1 whiteboard and 1 marker: Teacher announces topic / gives “think time”. Teammate A begins. Each writes his/her short answer to the topic then passes the whiteboard and marker on to Teammate B. Writing continues until the timer goes off.
RallyTable With your shoulder partner, make a list of nouns on your whiteboard. You MAY NOT talk. You are simply writing this round.
What is a noun? A noun is a person, place or thing. There are two types of nouns: Common Nouns Proper Nouns
What is a Common Noun? A common noun is the general names of people, places, and things. For example: classdeer studentscar morningsport
What is a Proper Noun? A proper noun is the name of particular people, places, and things. A proper noun ALWAYS begins with a capital letter. For example: ColoradoAnna Empire State BuildingSaturday
RallyTable With your shoulder partner, you are going to categorize the list of nouns on your whiteboard. Put a “C” by the common nouns. Put a “P” by the proper nouns. You MAY NOT talk. You are simply writing this round.
What are Singular and Plural Nouns? A singular noun is ONE person, place, or thing. Example: car, shoe, bench A plural nouns is MORE THAN ONE person, place, or thing. To form the plural of MOST nouns, simply add an “s”. Example: cars, shoes, benches
RallyTable With your shoulder partner, make a list of singular and plural nouns on your whiteboard. You MAY NOT talk. You are simply writing this round. S P
Turn to page 8 in your interactive notebook. Title: Noun Practice Date: 9/04/12 1. Write each sentence in your notebook and underline each noun. 2. Put a “C” over the common nouns 3. Put a “P” over the proper nouns 1. The class went on a trip to Colorado. 2. The students slept in a tent under the tall trees. 3. Early one morning a deer came near the tent.
In 5-7sentences, summarize the different types of nouns in the summary section of the Cornell Notes. Make sure you include examples of each type of noun. You will have 5 minutes to write your summary. A good beginning - ”Today I learned…: