Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What were we created to be? Humanity was created by God in His ________ - to be like Him on the earth.


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Presentation transcript:

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What were we created to be? Humanity was created by God in His ________ - to be like Him on the earth.

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What were we created to be? Humanity was created by God in His ________ - to be like Him on the earth.

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What is God’s image in man? Many people disagree on whether it is: 1. Relational - ability to relate to God & _________ 2. Moral - ability to live __________ 3. Intellectual - ability to make ________ decisions 4. Functional - ability to act and ________ like God 5. Structural - ability to reflect God __________ The answer is: _____________________________

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What is God’s image in man? Many people disagree on whether it is: 1. Relational - ability to relate to God & _________ 2. Moral - ability to live __________ 3. Intellectual - ability to make ________ decisions 4. Functional - ability to act and ________ like God 5. Structural - ability to reflect God __________ The answer is: _____________________________

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What is God’s image in man? Many people disagree on whether it is: 1. Relational - ability to relate to God & _________ 2. Moral - ability to live __________ 3. Intellectual - ability to make ________ decisions 4. Functional - ability to act and ________ like God 5. Structural - ability to reflect God __________ The answer is: _____________________________

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What is God’s image in man? Many people disagree on whether it is: 1. Relational - ability to relate to God & _________ 2. Moral - ability to live __________ 3. Intellectual - ability to make ________ decisions 4. Functional - ability to act and ________ like God 5. Structural - ability to reflect God __________ The answer is: _____________________________

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What is God’s image in man? Many people disagree on whether it is: 1. Relational - ability to relate to God & _________ 2. Moral - ability to live __________ 3. Intellectual - ability to make ________ decisions 4. Functional - ability to act and ________ like God 5. Structural - ability to reflect God __________ The answer is: _____________________________

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What is God’s image in man? Many people disagree on whether it is: 1. Relational - ability to relate to God & _________ 2. Moral - ability to live __________ 3. Intellectual - ability to make ________ decisions 4. Functional - ability to act and ________ like God 5. Structural - ability to reflect God __________ The answer is: _____________________________

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What is God’s image in man? Many people disagree on whether it is: 1. Relational - ability to relate to God & _________ 2. Moral - ability to live __________ 3. Intellectual - ability to make ________ decisions 4. Functional - ability to act and ________ like God 5. Structural - ability to reflect God __________ The answer is: _____________________________

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What were we created to do? Humanity was created by God in His image to ___________ over the earth in such a way that we practice a godly dominion as kings over the rest of the creation. We are to rule over the ground, animals, offspring, etc.

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity What were we created to do? Humanity was created by God in His image to ___________ over the earth in such a way that we practice a godly dominion as kings over the rest of the creation. We are to rule over the ground, animals, offspring, etc.

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity Why were we created like this? God created all humanity in His image because He planned for His ______ to take on human form, and Jesus is the exact image of God. He also created all humanity to be rulers on earth because He planned for His Son to be the Ruler over all things.

Part 7: Doctrine of Humanity Why were we created like this? God created all humanity in His image because He planned for His ______ to take on human form, and Jesus is the exact image of God. He also created all humanity to be rulers on earth because He planned for His Son to be the Ruler over all things.

FINISH Small Group Discussion What is one thing that God spoke to you about today from the lesson that really stuck out to you? Pray together as a small group for God to work in your lives what you just shared.