Institut für Methodik der Fernerkundung International Workshop on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration - Gulfport, Dec I N T R O DU C T I O N Manfred Schroeder ISPRS, WG I-2 Sensor Calibration and Testing I N T R O D U C T I O N
Institut für Methodik der Fernerkundung International Workshop on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration Gulfport, Dec Organisations Involved in Standards for Calibration ISPRS WGI-2Sensor Calibration and Testing WG II-4Image Data Standards CEOS WG Cal/Val: - Subgroup Terrain Mapping - Subgroup Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors ISO TC 211 Geographic Information/Geomatics - Project 19130: Standard for Geographic Information - Sensor and Data Models for Imagery and Gridded Data Organisations Involved in Standards for Calibration ISPRS CEOS ISO
Institut für Methodik der Fernerkundung International Workshop on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration Gulfport, Dec Joint ISPRS/CEOS Task Force on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration Goals: - Clarify the definitions of Earth Observing Sensor Parameters - Assist CEOS in understanding the sensor calibration/validation needs of the user community - Look at all related efforts and documents as a basis for moving forward in terms of addressing sensor parameters, calibration and validation - Prepare a document that defines sensor parameters that can be used by the user community -A preliminary joint ISPRS/CEOS report to be delivered to the ISPRS Congress in Istanbul, July 2004 Joint ISPRS/CEOS Task Force on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration
Institut für Methodik der Fernerkundung International Workshop on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration Gulfport, Dec Terms of Reference: 1. Collect and collate list of parameters used to describe Earth observing sensors 2. Make an analysis of these and recommend a standard list of parameters for presenting descriptions of EO satellites 3. Identify ambiguity and confusion within these terms and recommend methods and means of clarifying these issues 4. Prepare a document which sets out standard methods of describing EO- sensors 5. Communicate and consult widely with the user community. Joint ISPRS/CEOS Task Force on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration
Institut für Methodik der Fernerkundung International Workshop on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration Gulfport, Dec Bring together international experts on Sensor Techniques and Calibration - Energize the recently formed Joint CEOS/ISPRS Task Force on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration and conduct the First Technical Meeting of this Group - Address JACIE experience - Explore possibilities for standardizing sensor parameters and calibration practices - Publish Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Objectives of the International Workshop on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration
Institut für Methodik der Fernerkundung International Workshop on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration Gulfport, Dec Which Sensors should be considered? - Should the user compare sensors, data or products? - How is the Interaction between Sensor Parameters, Calibration Standards and Product Validation? - How does the Joint Agency Committee on Image Evaluation (JACIE) intentions fit into the interest of CEOS and ISPRS? - Can parameters be defined that are necessary for a „worldclass“ calibration test site? Open Questions