SN1014 Supporting Literacy and Numeracy February 21 st 2008 Cathie Lacey
Aims of session Review the planning you do Explore a planning proforma Discuss supporting learning – strategies we use Brief recap on learning styles Observations – how, why, what
Planning Have a look at the proforma document In small groups, discuss how you could use this as a basis for the formative task Feedback on improvements and ideas
Supporting learning - strategies rephrase teacher’s words clarify repeat simplify demonstrate get learner to do it chat distract smile/eye contact link to prior learning link to life outside wait for response remind of behaviour physical (issues), … Please add…….
Learning styles…. review
Learning styles Often VAK Also Gardner’s multiple intelligence Goleman 1996 – emotional intelligence Honey and Mumford for adults.. ( Activist, Reflector, Theorist, Pragmatist ) You tell me more…. How do these link to your classroom work?
Observations Observation describes the process of watching, listening and taking note. It can be carried out in many different ways, depending on the learning context that the adult and child are involved in. Assessment involves analysing observations and other evidence of learning, in order to decide on the child’s learning demonstrated in the event or activity. (Observing Children – developing the profile QCA 2005)
Guidance for observing children Observing an individual child - Things to think about: Was the activity chosen by the child or directed by an adult? What is the child’s attitude to the task? What learning is taking place? Is the child applying earlier learning? How will my observations help me plan to meet the needs of this child?
Guidance for observing children Observing a group - Things to think about: What is the main objective of the activity? How is the activity being used? How much time do the children spend on the activity? Are the children interacting with each other? Does the activity support and encourage learning? ml ml