Shared Mobility at TRB Katherine Kortum, Program Officer Multimodal Mobility and Sharing Economy Sunday, January 10, 2016
Policy Studies: Special Report 319 Between Public and Private Mobility: The Rise of Technology-Enabled Transportation Services Examine the growth and diversification of technology-enabled mobility services Explore the implications these services have for consumers and existing transportation services Identify policy, regulatory, and other issues and opportunities to plan for and regulate these services Including the existing regulatory structure for taxi, limousine, and transit services Identify priority areas of research to inform public policy decisions This study was self-initiated and was funded entirely by TRB.
Policy Studies: Special Report 319 Recommendations Public policies and regulations should be designed to steer the development of innovative services Reassessment Consistency Regulatory level Safety Accessibility
Policy Studies: Special Report 319 Recommendations (cont’d) Require basic service information Reconsider employee classifications Integrate with existing systems Conduct further research
ACRP Report 146 Commercial Ground Transportation at Airports: Best Practices Authored by LeighFisher, led by Peter Mandle Released in December 2015 Reviews the ground transportation industry Discusses potential solutions to challenges airport operators frequently face Provides guidance on selecting and implementing solutions
TCRP J-11, Task 21 The Impacts of New Technology-Enabled Mobility Services on Public Transportation Funded by APTA Contractor is Shared Use Mobility Center, led by Sharon Feigon Work is ongoing
Upcoming Roundtables Roundtables designed to allow groups to meet quickly on current topics Independent venue for open dialogue Each roundtable organized around a specific issue Roundtable members choose the topic and organize speakers and attendees On average, participants each
Contact Info Katherine Kortum, Program Officer Keck Center of the National Academies th Street NW Washington, DC 20001