ELDERS: NUMBER Conclusion Multiple elders are permissible Multiple elders are not required
ELDERS: THEIR MINISTRY The division of labors A traditional view Elders responsible for spiritual matters Deacons responsible for financial matters But: elder = bishop = overseer, thus: Elders (bishops) responsible for all aspects of the ministry Deacons responsible for those matters delegated them by the bishop
ELDERS: THEIR MINISTRY (2) General oversight means authoritative leadership Presiding (1 Tim 5.17) Leading (Heb 13.17) But benevolent not domineering (1 Pt 5.3)
ELDERS: THEIR MINISTRY (3) A Comment from Ryrie: “A presiding officer, for example, does not even have a vote, except in case of a tie, but he does have control (over the agenda, length of discussions, whom to recognize, etc.). Desirably this aspect of the elder’s ministry would involve the spiritual gift of government (1 Cor. 12:28—the different word used here has the basic idea of steering, as in Acts 27:11). Thus an elder leads, guides, rules, steers his flock, piloting it skillfully through the treacherous waters of this world.” (Ryrie, 480)
ELDERS: THEIR MINISTRY (4) General oversight includes guarding the truth This points to the comprehensive teaching ministry (Titus 1.9) Proclamation Explanation Defense This requires the gift of teaching (1 Tim 3.2) “Certainly no one should ever be chosen an elder unless he knows well the doctrines of our faith and is able to explain and defend them accurately.” (Ryrie, 481)
ELDERS: QUALIFICATIONS Blameless: two words, “can’t be laid hold of” (1 Tim 3.2); “can’t be called out” (Tt 3.7) Husband of one wife: a difficult phrase, many opinions Minimum: “a one woman kind of man” Makes divorce questionable (many conservatives forbid, at least as a matter of wisdom) Does not require marriage but definitely does not forbid it
ELDERS: QUALIFICATIONS 2 Temperate: word means “wine-less”; self-controlled Sound and sober mind: sensible, wise Orderly: a disciplined, well-ordered life Hospitable: he must like people Able and willing to teach: key distinctive for bishops Both instruction (1 Tim 3.2) And refuting error (Tt 1.9)
ELDERS: QUALIFICATIONS 3 Not given to wine or pugnacious: Grammatically, the two terms are connected Certainly prohibits drunkenness or any habitual drinking patterns Prohibits violence But in contrast, “gentle, peaceable, free from love of money” (1 Tim 3.3 NAU ) Not self-willed (Tt 1.7)
ELDERS: QUALIFICATIONS 4 In relation to family life (1 Tim 3.4) Manage household well Keep children under control In relation to spiritual maturity (1 Tim 3.6) Not a novice – (remember, bishop = elder) Danger of pride and instability (immaturity) In relation to the community: of good reputation [see ‘blameless’ above] (1 Tim 3.7)
ELDERS: QUALIFICATIONS (CONCLUSION) “Obviously a man might not exhibit all of these characteristics all of his natural life, for he might have been converted from a rough background. But he certainly needs to demonstrate these qualifications when he serves as an elder. What he was before salvation need not limit his qualifying as an elder with one possible exception. By the interpretation that husband of one wife means married only once; then, of course, this is not something that can be changed by conversion. By this interpretation, then, if a man were married twice before or after he was saved, he would not meet the requirements for the eldership.” (Ryrie, p )