1914: Clayton Anti-Trust Act Outlawed certain biz practices Strikes are legal 1914: Federal Trade Commission Act Prez appointed team looks into any biz that conducts interstate trade
1913 – Wilson calls Congress to session and demands a decrease in tariffs Underwood Tariff Reduced the rates Public support for reduction rises Adopts income tax to defray lost $$ for gov’t
Banking is focused in NYC & Boston Need ways to get $$ and credit all over nation 1913: Federal Reserve Act Could issue money in emergencies US divided into 12 districts
Young, college educated women join movement Influenced by English women’s movement Protests and heckle politicians National Movement (NAWSA) led by Carrie Chapman Catt Working state by state Alice Paul forms National Women’s Party Works for national amendment Picket White House Go to jail; hunger strike 1919: Women support in WW I finally gains them the right to vote 19 th Amendment