Population size estimation of FSW in Yangon & Mandalay, Myanmar Used variety of multiplier methods –Unique object –Unique event –Services: 1) Drop-in Centre visits, 2) STI treatment, 3) HIV testing Also applied wisdom of the crowd (small geographic areas & combined) Comparison with prior official estimates & regional estimates from published literature If you are not counted, you don’t count WEPDC0105
Multiplier methods – consistent & fell within regional estimates (0.2-2%) –Medians: ~5,000 in Yangon; ~3,300 in Mandalay –Population prevalence: 0.45% in Yangon; 0.56% in Mandalay Wisdom of the crowd – different between two cities –Rather close to multiplier methods in Yangon ~4,300 –Very low results in Mandalay ~200 Results WEPDC0105