Current Electrified Villages
Sagaing Region Townships - 11 Villages - 91 Households Kayin State Townships - 5 Villages Households Shan State Townships - 25 Villages Households Tanintharyi Region Townships - 6 Villages Households Ayeyarwady Region Townships – 10 Villages Households Rakhaing State Townships - 9 Villages Households Chin State Townships - 5 Villages Households Remote communities areas located far beyond 11 miles from national grid and unlikely to receive electricity in next 10 years are targeted to pre-electrify. Off grid project Area (16-17)
Location of Project Site and Overall Quantities ( ) Formed VEC Targeting Village Targeting HH
Each village participating in the Off-Grid program must form a Village Electrification Committee,VEC DRD will develop guidelines for VEC formation. To organize at least 9 persons in the committee To involve at least 3 women in the committee To involve 50% of middle age persons To be a collaborator for the development of the village Community Organization and Mobilization
VEC Explain the systems to villagers Count the number of each system type Collect down payments Fill out SHS Form, keep one copy for records Transfer the down payment to NEP account.
Off-grid Electrification for Fiscal Year Electrification System Solar Home System Mini-Grid System ( Solar, Hydro, Bio-mass and Bio-gas System) Electrification Item (9 items) House-hold Electrification (small, medium,Large) Rural Health Centre School (Primary, Middle, High) Religious Building Street Light
Number of Lots and Systems ( FY) 8 Lot (1) Kayin Lot (2) Chin (a) Lot (3) Chin (b) Lot (4) Sagaing Lot (5) Tanintharyi Lot (6) Rakhine(a) Lot (7) Rakhine(b) Lot (8) Shan (East) Lot (9) Shan (North) (a) Lot (10) Shan (North) (b) Lot (11) Ayeyawaddy(a) Lot (12) Ayeyawaddy(b) (A)Lot- 12 Lots
Number of Lots and Systems ( FY)(Cont;) 9 SHS Nos (30Wp, 45Wp, 60Wp) School Nos (120Wp,375Wp,475Wp) Health Center Nos (180Wp) Religious Building Nos (120Wp) Street Light Nos (70Wp) (B)System Nos
No State/ Region Town ships Total Villages HHs First PaymentSecond Payment Remarks VillagesHHsVillagesHHs 1Kayin Collecting 2Chin Sagaing Thaninthary Rakhine Shan(East) Shan(North) Ayarwaddy Total List of Payment Collection for Community Contribution Note First Payment – 1304 villages / HHs = Mil Kyats Until ( )
Situation for Procurement Plan 11 Sr.SubjectSituation Hiring Period Remark 1Procurement ConsultantFinished12 month1 st, June 2Project Implementation AdvisorsFinished12 month1 st, June 3 PV Inspection & Verification Firm Evaluation4 month15 th, Nov 4PV Implementation Advisor Finished12 month18 th, May 5 Mini-grid Implementation Advisor Evaluation12 monthAug 6 Open the tender SHS Finished (May 12, 2016)
Sr.Type of TrainingPlaceDateNo.of TraineeRemark 1Training for Verification the Component of Solar Home System and Design Calculation Department of Rural Development (Head Quarter) – Union -35 S&D -10 Pro-Engineering 2Training for Solar Mini- grid Installation and Verification Department of Rural Development (Head Quarter) Union -23 S&D -16 ADB (Technical Assistance) 3Capacity Building for Biomass, Biogas Hydro Mini-grid Department of Rural Development (Head Quarter) Union -23 S&D - 2 ADB (Technical Assistance) 4Training for Basic & Advanced GIS Department of Rural Development (Head Quarter) Union - 24 S&D - 2 MOEE - 2 ADB (Technical Assistance) Trainings
Challenges and Barriers Lack of communities institutional capacity due to people contribution at the beginning of the project Most of the user don’t want to pay the cost of system without seeing the product Poor access to finance by some user Lack of knowledge for the use of good qualified product, operation and maintenance of the system Lack the Rules and Regulations of Rural Electrification Law Equipment and capacity building for DRD staff for inspection and feasibility study process Participation of women in VEC Private sector participation in remote area Guidelines of the mini-grid system, operation and maintenance, collection of tariff (1% of household target in first year of NEP Project) Time is limited to complete target installation for FY Feasible data for mini-grid and budget allotment for feasible study
Way Forward Develop the capacity building/training Implementing the target of the installation by ( ) FY Geospatial electrification planning: update and new data collection. Prepare the project progress reports based on the project results monitoring framework Support preparation and implementation of Rural Electrification Law and related regulations Development of mini-grid/small-power producer regulatory framework including tariff-setting mechanism Appropriation of Propose Mini-grid Project from State and Region and Private Sector into NEP Project and Development Partner’s Cooperation project. Support the Mini-grid pre-feasibility and feasibility Increasing the mini-grid project up to 10% of household at the end of phase 1 project Implementing the target of the Project Coordination with DRD, NGO, INGO, DP inline with NEP Project To implement the Project’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Framework.
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